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Sunday, Sept. 29
The Indiana Daily Student


RSO Fashion Show brings glam to Alumni Hall

Click click, click, flash is what models like to hear and see as they rip the runway.  

Corsets, skinny jeans, leggings, sheer tops, balloon dresses, big handbags, stiletto shoes,  gladiator sandals and lace-inspired garments were the prominent fashions featured in “Viva La Glam,” the Retail Studies Organization’s (RSO) annual fashion show.

RSO put the show on to showcase student designs from the Department of Apparel Merchandising and Interior Design. Designers specifically chose pieces that would compliment this year’s theme.

Models rocked designs from local retailers Cha Cha, InSeam Denim Supply, Haley’s Boutique and Relish. Male models wore jeans, t-shirts and hoodies while female models strutted down the runway in various apparels. And the female models were dressed in everything from formal gowns to sundresses, to cardigans and capes.

“The student designers are really talented and I like that they incorporate stores that are in Bloomington,” senior Melissa Paul-Blanc said.

The ladies boisterous screams pierced through the crowd as the male models displayed their attire and showed off their signature poses. But the audience was not shy in showing their approval of the ladies apparel as well.

A red-carpet lined runway attached to stairs on the stage led to several of the models tripping throughout the night. Two male models stood on each side of the steps to assist the ladies walking up and down the stairs. Slips were not the only mishaps of the night as the models dresses rose too high, under garments were revealed and models ran into curtains.

Minor errors did not stop the show or deter the audience member’s enthusiasm. The models continued down the runway with their heads held high.

“It was cool, they had a lot of fashion design students’ work presented, which I appreciated,” senior Adrian Smith said.

Second year design student Amanda Helmsing said the show improves from year to year. Her designs were created in her shape and foundation class, which according to the departments Web site teaches “fundamental principles of design and construction for garment inner-shaping and foundation.”

“My inspiration for my garments was a dark Alice in the Wonderland,” she said.

Fashion show coordinators Kelsey Young and Brittney DePaola graced the runway with some of the students’ designs as well.

Glamour and fun was embodied through the designs and by the models. Models struck funny poses, threw up peace signs, came out two at a time holding hands and blew kisses to the audience.

In comparison to last year’s show, students had mixed feelings.

“Last year’s show was much better because it had more diverse clothing, featured more stores and more men,” junior LaTroy Hampton said. “This one was catered to white females.”

During the finale models walked out one after another striking their final pose for the night. The last two models grabbed the hands of the gentleman who helped them down the stairs all night, walked to the end of the runway and took their bows.

“Everyone put a lot of hard work into it, and I think the show went really well,” DePoala said.

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