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Monday, Sept. 30
The Indiana Daily Student


Buskirk celebrates Dylan

The times will be a-changin’ as Indiana musicians spend an evening celebrating the works of Bob Dylan at the Buskirk-Chumley Theater.

Folk singer Tim Grimm said it was his goal to bring together musicians such as Gordon Bonham and Jason Wilber to tour small and mid-sized theaters in Indiana.
Grimm said in a press release that he was inspired by Dylan’s “Rolling Thunder Review,” when he and a caravan of musicians toured the Northeast.

He said he hopes this version will revive small and mid-sized local theaters.

“Some have been completely restored like the Buskirk-Chumley,” Grimm said in a press release. “Others, my hometown’s The Crump for instance, could use a great deal of work.”

The Buskirk’s marketing director, Maarten Bout, said local ties were put into consideration for the show.

“In anything we present, the significance to our local community is a very important factor,” Bout said in an e-mail. “Since many of the performers of the Hoosier Dylan are from Bloomington, Monroe or Brown county ... The concert will literally have a local face.”

The tour includes bands such as Joyous Garde, Tom Roznowski and The Living Daylights, and Stella and Jane. Indiana Poet Laureate Norbert Krapf will be reading his work, similar to the way American poet Allen Ginsberg, whose poems include “Howl,” did at the “Rolling Thunder Review.”

“Although we are a diverse group of musicians, there is an amazing thing that happens when we get together to play Dylan’s great music,” Bonham said.

Bonham said Dylan influenced him personally.

“To me, Dylan is not only a great songwriter and performer, but a blues man with something real to say,” Bonham said. “I listen to Dylan practically every day.”

Dylan, 68, still continues to tour and recently released the album “Together Through Life” in April.

“His body of work will comparable to that of Shakespeare,” Grimm said in a press release. “Time will be very kind to him.”

Hoosier Dylan
WHEN 8 p.m. Saturday
WHERE Buskirk-Chumley Theater, 114 E. Kirkwood Ave.
MORE INFO Admission is $15.

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