Before I get into the point of this article, I will come out and say that I am an Obama supporter.
Not only am I an Obama supporter, I spent most of last year working as an intern on the local Obama campaign.
It was one of the best times of my life. Even after the campaign and inauguration, I have remained active with the local and national political movement.
I say that to emphasize that I am not another blind and brainwashed Obama supporter jumping to his rescue.
But I have to address something.
A few weeks ago, I attended a Monroe County Democratic fundraiser dinner.
At this dinner Rep. Baron Hill told a brief story of an older woman coming up to him and sincerely asking him, “Are they really gonna kill us for being too old?”
The rumor of death panels is an idea that has been spread and perpetuated by health care enemies.
It says that the new plan calls for people to go around and basically tell old people if they are sick or well enough to live and give them a pill of sorts to help them die.
This would be funny if not for prominent Republicans such as Sarah Palin and others feeding into the idea, and if these weren’t the only attacks being levied on this administration.
Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh are on personal campaigns to convince the public that Obama’s health care plans are the beginning of the president’s plan of taking over the government, turning it into a communist regime and going all Vladimir Putin on his critics.
Their followers have been seen all summer at town hall meetings turning what is supposed to be civic discussions about health care into events that should be hosted by Jerry Springer.
My favorite of all the claims is that Obama is the next Hitler and/or the anti-Christ and that we are all doomed in his hands.
I absolutely have no problem with anyone that criticizes the president.
In fact, I believe that public criticism of the president is necessary for a healthy democracy.
Hell, even I don’t agree with the president 100 percent and I have major issues with what I have heard about the health care reforms so far.
But resorting to some of the tactics that his opponents have in recent months is going to do nothing but get us nothing.
I know some will point out the harsh treatment and push back that George Bush received and say that this is justified.
But it is unjustified on both accounts. If you want to criticize the president, follow the lead of the tea party people who raised serious concerns about how to pay for all of this.
Or you can raise concern as to whether the public option will be run by another failing insurance company.
Or perhaps ask whether the politicians will take the time to do health care reform right.
See, there are plenty of things one could raise concerns about outside of convincing people that Obama is the devil in the flesh.
This is a huge moment in American history.
Health care has been a major problem for many Americans for years and years, including myself; I have lived the past five years without health care insurance.
If you think the president’s plan is a bad idea, that’s fine.
Express yourself.
I am sure the president isn’t trying to silence you. All I ask, especially of the educated Hoosier state, is to not feed into illogical theories and come up with good fact-based concerns and arguments.
Only then can the country as a whole finally get to something that will be beneficial for all.
Seriously, people?
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