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Monday, Sept. 30
The Indiana Daily Student


‘12 Ophelias’ modernizes ‘Hamlet’

Beginning right where Ophelia’s story ends in Shakespeare’s “Hamlet,” the University Players will perform “Twelve Ophelias: A Play with Broken Songs”  at 8 and 11 p.m. Friday and Saturday  at the Theater Annex.

In “Hamlet,” Ophelia loses her mind and drowns herself after being hurt by Hamlet and losing her father. 

The show opens with Ophelia singing the song that she sang in “Hamlet” right before she did herself in, but it then changes to bring her into a different world. Junior Kerry Ipema, who plays Ophelia, said that this show gives her character a second chance at life. 

“It’s about finding your own way and who you are,” Ipema said. “It’s so beautifully written, because it shows someone’s ability to be themselves.”

The world Ophelia enters is very different from the one that she came from, and while many important characters remain, their situations have changed. Gertrude, played by Nelmarie Zayas, now owns a brothel where Ophelia and her new friend Mina work. 

Mina, played by senior Lauren Bourke, is a crack whore and ends up dating a man named “H,” formerly known as Horiatio in Shakespeare’s play.

H, played by freshman Joshua Burkholder, is going through an emotional crises when he realizes that he is in love with Rude Boy, also known as Hamlet, played by sophomore Nolan Hart. 

“When H finally tells, Rude Boy responds saying that you can’t change who you are, you can’t change your nature,” Burkholder said. “Rude Boy is totally fine with it because he says being you is the most beautiful thing you can be.” 

Sophomore Kelly Langtim plays G, or Guildenstern, and junior Rebecca Masur plays R,  or Rosencrantz. The two are androgynous characters and the keepers of memories. When characters forget or repress something, they act it out to remind them.

Langtim said she believes the show is something college students can really relate to when it comes to changing your life. 

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