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Monday, Sept. 30
The Indiana Daily Student

Indy 500 princess program seeks applicants for 2010 festival

Princesses wanted.

The Indy 500 Festival is seeking 33 young women to serve as ambassadors for the 2010 500 Festival Princess Program.

IU junior Christina Dean served as a 2009 Festival Princess and described the experience as one of the best times of her life.

The women selected represent their colleges and hometowns, as well as the 500 Festival and the 2010 Indianapolis 500. 

Senior Sara Stombaugh, a 2009 princess, said that all of the princesses participated in community outreach during the month leading up to the May race.

This included school and hospital visits, as well as public speaking opportunities. Stombaugh said these events helped promote the 500 Festival and gave the women a chance to serve the community.

Dean said the princesses were also volunteers at 500 Festival events including Kids’ Day, Community Day and the mini-marathon. In addition, all of the princesses participated in the 500 Festival Parade and other race weekend activities.

In order to be eligible for the Princess Program, candidates must be a resident of Indiana and a full-time student at an accredited college or university within the state. Dean said the 2009 Festival Princesses included 11 women from IU-Bloomington.

Applicants must also be single, maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.8 on a 4.0 scale and be between the ages of 19 and 23.

After applications have been submitted, Stombaugh said all applicants are interviewed in Indianapolis. From those, 66 women are called for a second interview. 

Thirty-three are then selected as princesses. One princess will be chosen as the 500 Festival Queen and will receive a $2,500 scholarship.

Though competition exists, sophomore Kati Detty, a 2009 princess, stressed that the girls became close friends and still maintain those friendships months after the race.

She said the experience was a big time commitment, but she had a lot of fun.

“When they say you’re a princess, you’re a princess,” Detty said.

The princesses had the opportunity to meet the 33 drivers and several of the celebrities who attended the race.

Dean said the program was a great opportunity to network and meet people. During their time as princess, each woman is paired with a member of the 500 Festival Board of Directors. The directors are usually business people from the Indianapolis area.

Though the selection process can be nerve-racking, Dean said it is important to be relaxed and to be yourself.

If selected as a 2010 Festival Princess, Stombaugh said to take advantage of every moment because the time goes by so quickly.

“It’s a once-in-a-lifetime experience,” she said.

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