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Monday, Sept. 30
The Indiana Daily Student

Local cooperative preschool based on play-learning, parent involvement

Play-based learning and parent involvement are the keys to successful education at Children’s Corner Cooperative Nursery School, which has been educated children for half a century.

As a former board member and parent, pre-kindergarten teacher Rachel Lobring recognizes the value of striking a balance between structured academics and a more relaxed atmosphere.

The 9:15 to 11:45 a.m. school day consists of many different activities including projects, story time, basic reading skills and recreation. Throughout the week, teachers give lessons in music, sign language and other areas.

While many tasks are accomplished during the course of the day, Lobring said she often changes her plans to meet the needs of students.

“What you have planned will usually not work out,” she said. 

Lobring said she believes this flexibility allows for the school to be totally child-centered. 

The school offers from one- to five-day options for students in specific age groups.
In addition to these choices, parents also have responsibilities at CCCNS. As a cooperative school, parents are actively involved in the learning process. Each parent acts as a teacher’s aide 18 different times during the school year – or about twice a month. 

Leslie Kaiser, president for the board of directors, said that parents are solely responsible for running the school. Parents also make up the board that, along with the five teachers, makes all the school’s important decisions.

Rosie Piga-Pizzo, a parent at the school, said parents must also serve on a committee and participate in a monthly clean-up.

However, Kaiser said these duties are not viewed as obligations but as an opportunity to actively participate in their child’s education. 

The emphasis on parent involvement is not the only thing that sets CCCNS apart from other schools in the area. The National Academy of Early Childhood Programs accredits the school. The system is sponsored by the National Association for the Education of Young Children and recognizes high-quality education centers in the nation.

In an effort to increase enrollment and community recognition, CCCNS will have an open house from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday at its 600 W. Sixth St. location.  
Parents will be on hand to give tours of the facility, while teachers will have projects in their classrooms for potential students. 

Lobring said the open house will let teachers share their educational philosophies with parents looking for a preschool. She added that it is an opportunity for people to really “see what we’re all about.”

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