Boy meets girl.
Boy likes girl.
Boy pulls out his club, hits girl on the head and drags her into his cave to have his way.
Now that is a real man.
Do you disagree?
Well, here are some more characteristics that you may or may not agree with.
“Men just want a piece of ass,” sophomore Stacy Clark said.
All men know how to fix cars.
Men are not capable of taking care of a household.
Dr. Colin Johnson, assistant professor in the gender studies department, said stereotypes portray men as aggressive, physically strong and emotionless.
“What a crock,” Johnson said.
Crock or not, this is how society often portrays its male members. In the 21st century, it is safe to assume that not every male possesses these qualities.
So why is it that men are still associated with these images? The media does play a substantial role in keeping gender stereotypes alive and well, but the media did not create these images – humans did.
“Stereotypes come from our history and power relations,” Johnson said.
However, not all men are power-hungry tyrants.
“When I meet a nice young lady, I want to get to know her first,” sophomore Dominique Black said.
Allowing several traits to represent an entire group is almost always inaccurate. Every single person does not behave in the same way.
“You should get to know someone before you assume who they are,” Adam Follett said.
To further combat gender stereotypes, many teachers encourage students to enroll in gender studies courses.
Classes are offered through multiple IU departments.
Me want her.
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