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Monday, Sept. 30
The Indiana Daily Student

Scotty’s owner wins restaurateur award


Scotty’s Brewhouse owner and founder Scott Wise recently won the Indiana Restaurant Association’s Restaurateur of the Year Award at the group’s 75th anniversary dinner banquet.

“I was speechless,” Wise said in a statement. “And I’m sure my staff would tell you I usually have a lot to say.”

Scotty’s Brewhouse manager Matt Kwiatkowski said that he is the kind of guy who is quick to strike up a conversation with anybody.

In awarding their first annual Restaurateur of the Year Award to someone whose business is still growing, the IRA believes it is important to recognize someone in the middle of their career who, as IRA president John Livengood said in a press release, “stands out as an innovator, a leader and a great representative for our industry.”

“He basically built the business from the ground up,” Kwiatkowski said. “Now he has five locations with plans for more on the horizon. He’s a hard worker and has earned his success. He definitely deserves the award.”

Like many great leaders, Wise refuses to accept responsibility for the award and attributes most of his success to his employees.

“As much as I appreciate this individual honor, it can’t go without saying that none of this is possible without the team and staff around me,” Wise said in the release. “It took 13 long years, one failed restaurant concept, thousands of dollars of losses and 500 employees that bust their ass to help us all achieve this dream of success.” 

While Wise’s diligence, risk-taking and leadership skills play a huge roll in his success, even the best-run restaurant will fail if the food is no good, a problem Wise doesn’t have to worry about. In 2005, both the Indiana Daily Student and the Herald Times lauded Scotty’s as having the best burger in Bloomington.

Wise seems to have the burger part of the equation down, but drinks are also important.

“What’s a good burger without a good beer?” senior Anna Taylor said.

As the name suggests, Scotty’s Brewhouse offers a wide variety of beers including local favorites like Upland Wheat and Bloomington Brewing Company’s Ruby Bloom Amber.

Wise’s award serves as a testament to the importance of the independent restaurateur.

“It seems like anywhere you go, you see the same foods,” sophomore Linda Sapp said. “You get tired of the Chipotles and the Olive Gardens. It’s nice to eat somewhere that’s unique.”

With the current economic uncertainty that has brought ground entrepreneurship in this country to a near halt, the IRA hopes that Wise’s success will serve as a beacon of hope for potential restaurateurs unwary to take a chance at a dream.

The award honors Wise as a businessman with “the foresight and vision to lead us into the future,” co-owner of One World Enterprises Lennie Busch said.

“I hope the recognition that comes with this award will inspire others to build their locally owned and operated businesses here in Indiana,” Livengood said. “It is not hard to notice that Scott has been recognized by others as an outstanding businessman.”

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