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Monday, Sept. 30
The Indiana Daily Student

Students to run in 26.2, 13.1 mile-race Saturday

At least 5,600 people have committed to run in the Monumental Marathon on Saturday in downtown Indianapolis, including students from IU.

Runners from 44 states and six countries, including Brazil, the United Kingdom, Kenya, Austria and Honduras, have signed up to participate in the event, Monumental Marathon President Carlton Ray said.

“The response has been mind-blowing,” Ray said.

He said they were hoping for at least 2,500 respondents. However, commitments have already surpassed this goal, and even more participants are expected to register.
“People set various personal goals,” Ray said.

Whether it’s to finish the full marathon or the half, each individual has his or her objective in mind.

IU junior Jennifer Marinaro, who is participating in the half-marathon, a 13-mile event, said she has set a goal to finish in less than two hours. She said she began training in July, when she registered.

“Training includes running, cross-training when I’m not running and a training plan from,” she said.  

IU junior Carlie Harper is also running in the half-marathon. Harper said she began training a couple of months ago.

She runs five to six miles a day and eight to nine miles once a week. She said her goal is to finish in two hours.

“There will be wonderful athletes at the event,” Ray said.

This race helps runners prepare for the Boston Marathon in the spring, where runners have to make a time to qualify for the event, Ray said.

However, he mentioned that runners don’t have to qualify by time for the Indianapolis event, but it will still be fast-paced with a relatively flat course.

“It gives runners a chance to run and shows Indianapolis is a beautiful city,” Ray said.

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