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Monday, Sept. 30
The Indiana Daily Student


The sounds of stress relief

Amid papers, projects and exams, students are running on a low level of energy and sleep. And even as we fill our stomachs with yummy turkey and dressing during Thanksgiving break, the week of finals looms.

But how do we handle all this stress and anxiety?

Of course sleep and healthy eating are good answers, but listening to music can be the key to the relief we are looking for as the holiday season approaches. 

Of course, it’s a no-brainer that listening to music, no matter the genre, helps alleviate stress. A press release from the American Psychological Association reveals that 49 percent of adults listen to music, aside from watching TV or a movie, to manage their stress.

But during this crazy time, it is beneficial to be reminded of the effects music can have on your mood and of the great ways to listen to it.

One great way to relieve stress through music is to listen to something soothing; however, any song of any genre you love can help you relax and keep you from going over the edge. 

Here’s some different ways you can listen to music when you need to relieve stress:
1. Listen to music as you exercise. Fast beats while you run or do any other exercise would increase your mood and burn off those calories. 

2. Listen to music while you’re in the car. Have the windows rolled down if the weather is nice. There’s nothing wrong with enjoying some fine tunes as the wind blows in your face and you’re trying to find relief from that 10-page paper you have to write (or grade).

3. Have music on while you do homework. Sometimes even when it’s a soft ballad in the background, the song can help you think and soften your mood as you study.
4. Dance and sing along. It might sound goofy, but doesn’t everyone feel better when they belt out their favorite ballad or jump up and down to their favorite pop song? Take three minutes out your study time to just enjoy the song for what it’s worth. 

Unfortunately, stress will always haunt us. According to the APA press release, it comes back bigger and more ugly every year. Forty-two percent of adults reported having an increased level of stress from the year before.

It’s a sad and hard truth to accept. So pop in your favorite album, turn up the volume and enjoy the music. 

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