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Monday, Sept. 30
The Indiana Daily Student


Art of Chocolate showcases edible masterpieces


Chocolate lovers started lining up outside the IU Art Museum for the Sixth Annual Art of Chocolate before the doors even opened.

“People are coming in earlier because they know the earlier they come the better the food,” said Art of Chocolate committee member Jill Patrick.

Desserts, drinks and entertainment were in generous supply during the annual event. Since it’s beginning, Patrick said, the event has always successfully helped raise money for the non-profit organization OPTIONS.

The organization, based out of Bloomington, provides services for more than 300 people with disabilities in seven counties.

The Art of Chocolate is now one of many events during OPTIONS “Week of Chocolate,” an idea born from the smaller “Chocolate Fest,” first organized in 1998.

Local restaurants and business, Patrick said, have been more than willing to participate in the event to help a good cause.

“I love getting involved with OPTIONS,” said Angel B’s – A Galleria of Cakes Mark Brethauer.

Angel B’s has been involved with the Week of Chocolate, but this is the first year it participated in the Art of Chocolate.

Brethauer and his team prepared a dessert, “Chocolate Seduction,” especially for the Art of Chocolate. They intend to have it available in their store following the event, Brethauer said.

Guests migrated from table to table, indulging in a variety of chocolate treats, while art made of chocolate was being created right before their eyes.

Local Collaborative Artist Joe LaMantia used chocolate as a paint medium to paint a sustainability-themed landscape on canvas.

Members of OPTIONS helped create the original drawing and were also there to help throughout the event. Guests had the opportunity to grab a brush and help paint if they wanted.

LaMantia said he thought it might be difficult to finish the painting within the time frame of the event. However, with everyone’s help the painting got finished in plenty of time.

“What I did is kind of help plot and orchestrate how this thing would come together,” LaMantia said.

As the painting was created, guests also participated in a silent auction and listened to jazz music by the Andy Cobine Trio.

The Art of Chocolate is one of the biggest fundraisers during the week devoted to chocolate. The Week of Chocolate involves nine different not-for-profit organizations in the Bloomington area.

“When you have organizations working together, you really have a stronger
community,” LaMantia said.

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