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Sunday, Sept. 29
The Indiana Daily Student


Brazilian percussion group to bring beats, perform free concert

The Jacobs School of Music will host a concert featuring international percussion ensemble Grupo PIAP from São Paulo State University at 8 p.m. today in Auer Hall.

The Jacobs School of Music’s Latin American Music Center and Percussion Department are sponsoring the event as part of the Grupo PIAP’s current U.S. tour, during which the group will perform at more than a dozen universities across the nation.

“We thought it would be a terrific idea to have the ensemble here,” said John Tafoya, percussion department chair. “The overall vision of the percussion department is to provide a comprehensive and well-rounded experience for our percussion students.”

Grupo PIAP Director John Boulder contacted Carmen Tellez, Latin American Music Center director, last spring with the hope that the Jacobs School would sponsor a stop at IU during Grupo PIAP’s tour.

“There has been an increasing interaction with Brazilian universities in the recent years,” Tellez said. “This contact with the Grupo PIAP has been a natural outgrowth of these activities.”

Boulder founded the group in 1978 to provide artistic and academic training to students and to promote percussion music in Brazil. Grupo PIAP members are bachelor’s degree students in percussion at São Paulo State University and have flourished on the Brazilian music scene through concerts, media appearances and three CD releases.

“Music is truly an international language,” Tafoya said. “Since percussion is included in almost every musical genre, we have many opportunities, such as this visit from the São Paulo ensemble, to expose our students and the Bloomington community to music from a variety of cultures, music that they might not normally hear.”

Tellez said the percussion department is aware of the importance of music as a transmitter of cultural symbols and values.

“This is a great opportunity to open new connections,” she said. “For our students and our audience, it is a rich opportunity to enjoy a highly advanced and diverse repertoire.”

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