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Sunday, Sept. 29
The Indiana Daily Student


City ownership of Waldron possible

John Waldron Study Group Meeting
WHERE City Hall, the McCloskey Room
WHEN Noon Thursday
MORE INFO The group will ratify financial recommendations made to help keep the center open.

The John Waldron Arts Center saga continues.

On Friday, the John Waldron study group announced its financial recommendations regarding how to keep the Waldron open  to Mayor Mark Kruzan.

The group’s conclusion? The Bloomington Area Arts Council — current owners of the arts center — should divide the building into “functional” spaces to be rented on an annual basis, while giving a third party building management responsibilities.

“It is our sincere belief that our recommended model will result in a stable, financially-sound Waldron over the short term but will require immediate funding to implement,” the study group said in a recent press release.

After hearing the groups proposal, Kruzan said city ownership might be the best option for the center, and negotiations could start shortly between the BAAC and the city. If ownership is given to the city, Kruzan said, it is not likely the BAAC will gain ownership again.

The study group’s recommendations will be ratified in a public meeting  Feb 18 in City Hall. After that time, the study group will conclude its work.

However, the group recommends a second study group be created to brainstorm more long-term goals for the Waldron.

“Once the situation is stable, a second study group could be convened to study alternative models for the longer term if the City and the Mayor believes that would be useful,” the study group said in a press release.

The BAAC, which has struggled with the center’s debt, still needs $120,000 by March 1 to keep the arts center from closing.

In January, the BAAC released a seven-page press release outlining what has been ineffective for the organization and what steps should be taken to keep the Waldron open.

Several meetings have been held since the press release.

Margaret Ely

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