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Sunday, Sept. 29
The Indiana Daily Student


Idol makeover

As much as “American Idol” is about singing, it’s also about transformation. 

Sure, there are lifestyle changes. Some contestants board an airplane for the first time after receiving their golden ticket to Hollywood. Some take leave — permanent or temporary —  from their jobs as waitresses or police officers.

And some will be forever known as “Pants on the Ground” guy.

But for contestants who make it through the very end, or gain some notoriety before they’re voted off, the show also marks changes in their personal appearances.

Take Kelly Clarkson . The Texas native looked painfully 7th Heaven-esque as she steamrolled through Etta James’ “At Last” during her audition. The voice had star power, but the fried hair and weird dress shirt with flaps in the back weren’t anything to idolize.

As the show went on, Clarkson appeared more sophisticated as her style began to catch up with her voice. Overlooking the streaky skunk highlights, she started looking more put-together.

Pairing sultry love songs with floor-length dresses and brassy tunes with tailored suits, Clarkson seemed more confident in her performances as well as how she looked in front of millions of TV viewers.

And once she won, she was even more polished. The skunk hair vanished, and her outfits looked less pageant-ready as she joined the red carpet with other stars and stayed high in the rankings on MTV’s forgotten gem “TRL.” 

Her music became more rock-oriented and her style began to reflect that. Leather jackets, ripped jeans and teetering heels defined Clarkson’s fashion as she started appearing on “Best Makeover” lists of various gossip magazines.

Need another example? Take Adam Lambert. He looked like he was ready for a lazy Sunday during his audition. Belting out Queen’s “Bohemian Rhapsody,” he showed up to the audition with greasy hair and a makeup-less face.

Let’s just say he really lacked Freddie Mercury’s stage presence when it comes to appearances.

Things have changed since then. Lambert must buy out Rite Aids across the country in the pursuit of eyeliner for his signature dark-rimmed eyes, and he’s probably used so much mousse in his hair that it’s impossible to wash out.

Even though he didn’t win last season, he still looks like he did.

As season nine progresses, I can’t help but wonder how the contestants will evolve. They went into the auditions wanting to deliver Randy, Simon, Kara and Ellen the total recording artist package, with style already nailed down, but it’s amazing how being on TV will change some people.

Hopefully there won’t be any pants on the ground.

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