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Sunday, Sept. 29
The Indiana Daily Student


IU Cinema director named

IU Provost and Executive Vice President Karen Hanson announced Monday that Jon Vickers has been named the first director of the IU Cinema, pending approval by the IU board of trustees.

Vickers currently serves as managing director for the DeBartolo Performing Arts Center at the University of Notre Dame.

“The wealth of operational experience that Jon Vickers brings to this position will help to ensure that this new enterprise thrives,” Hanson said in a press release. “He has very successfully managed two cinemas, one of which is the only THX-certified cinema in Indiana. ”

Hanson also said she is hopeful Vickers knowledge will benefit the IU communitiy.
Vickers said in a statement that he looks forward to becoming the first director of the IU Cinema. He said he is impressed by the commitment to the cinema program from all levels of the University.

“Restoring the original beauty of the 1930s University Theatre into a state-of-the-art THX-certified cinema, along with the creation of this position to build a program, demonstrates that dedication,” Vickers said in the release. “The enthusiasm for the project is also apparent in every student, faculty and staff member that I have met. I am equally enthused, and can’t wait to begin building campus relationships while planning for our inaugural year.”

— Jake Wright

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