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Sunday, Sept. 29
The Indiana Daily Student


Campus MovieFest registration deadline Tuesday

If you want to participate in the world’s largest movie festival, get yourself to a computer by 5 p.m. Tuesday.

This week marks the start of the 9th-annual Campus MovieFest where teams create five-minute films to compete against other IU students, and if lucky, on a regional and national level.

Teams of two or more can sign up online to participate, and each will be given a free laptop, digital camera and phone to create a movie by April 13. Only students enrolled at IU can shoot or direct the film.

Movies submitted by April 12 will be judged by a panel of students, faculty and staff and the top 16 will be shown 7:30 p.m. April 18 at the IU Auditorium.

Those films will then go on to the CMF Northern Regional Grand Finale May 1. Finalists from the regional will have the opportunity to move on to the International Grand Finale in June.

The contest, which began at Emory University, awards prizes for various categories.
For more information on rules and to sign up, visit

— Margaret Ely

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