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Monday, Sept. 30
The Indiana Daily Student

On the Run

Student runners take to the streets to prepare for races near and far


Flowers are in bloom, the birds are chirping and the sidewalks have been taken over by runners. Whether they are training for a marathon, Little 50 or running just to stay in shape, they can be found all over Bloomington. 

“It’s really addicting. When I don’t run I’m in the worst mood,” fitness and jogging instructor Sarah Baysden said.

Baysden is a master’s student in exercise physiology. Baysden started running in high school and hasn’t been able to stop since.

“I’m kind of crazy,” Baysden said. “I have gone consecutive days for I don’t know how long now.”

This spring there are several opportunities for runners to get outside and race for a cause. In April there will be a Homeward Bound Walk and in May the Coach Hep Indiana Cancer Challenge will take place. 

Currently Baysden is training for the Boston Marathon on April 19.

It is difficult to balance classes, teaching and finding time to fit in her runs, but Baysden said she loves it. 

Baysden teaches classes at the School of Health, Physical Education and Recreation four days a week. In the winter she had her students working out inside the gym.
“Now that’s it’s warmer we have gone outside every day since spring break,” Baysden said.

Baysden and a few other runners might be training for a marathon, but most of Bloomington’s runners are training for local races or just trying to stay in shape.
Freshman Lauren Kirlin is training to run Little 50 with three other women from her organization, Independent Council.

“I would probably run on my own if I wasn’t training, but this gives me a focus, an end goal and a meaning to my runs,” Kirlin said. 

Kirlin started running in fifth grade. Kirlin said she continues to run because she likes being part of a team. 

She and her Little 50 team have been training since early this semester, but they just started running outside in March.

Unlike Kirlin, junior Jay Patel runs outside regardless of the weather. 

“The whole point of running is to see your environment,” Patel said. 

Patel began running cross-country and track in junior high. Since spring break Patel said he has been running outside about five times a week. 

“I always run outside,” Patel said. “I don’t like running in a gym because I feel confined.”

Patel said he enjoys running with other people because runners can relate to one another. They understand what running is all about. 

“It’s a culture you can’t explain,” Patel said.

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