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Sunday, Sept. 29
The Indiana Daily Student


Sweet surprise

I never really developed a sweet tooth until college.

Like other girls, I devoured chocolate on a regular basis, and I had a slight obsession with anything marshmallow.

But for whatever reason, coming to college got me started on high fructose corn syrups disguised in wrappers and cellophane bags.

It might be that I cannot find the same home-cooked comfort foods down here. But candy and sweets never change, and they are much easier to find than my favorite dish prepared by my mom.

Plus, I always try to take advantage of sugar highs when working late at night.
So, while I know some people who generally aren’t into sweets, almost everyone has a sweet tooth of sorts.

Fortunately for sugar fiends, a sort of paradise has come to life on Kirkwood Avenue.
Yes, you know what I’m talking about — Campus Candy.

I love this store more than you can understand. It looks like a child’s daydream come true.

As soon as you finish climbing the stairs and walk in, you’re greeted by bright balloons and lime-green tile flooring.
The two rounded walls surrounding the counter are packed with candy and the store has nearly everything you can imagine.

I’ve always been a “peach ring” girl, but I was also able to find melon rings and fruit twists.

The store has hard candies you can get from special dispensers and even regular candy bars like Reese’s and Skittles on the side.

Needless to say, almost every time I’ve been in there I have walked out with a heavy cellophane bag.

The only time I haven’t come out of Campus Candy with a bag of ‘cavities waiting to happen’ was when I bought their frozen yogurt.

I had stopped in once before and had a sample of their chocolate-vanilla swirl. I liked it all right, but it didn’t catch my attention like the daily flavors have.

But there was something about the red-raspberry frozen yogurt that made my eyes widen and my heart leap — it’s difficult to explain the experience. On top of seeing the yogurt, next to the dispenser is a variety of mix-ins and toppings.

The yogurt with Cocoa Krispies cereal mixed might be the best idea I’ve ever had.
If the sweets alone haven’t convinced you what a wonderful place this is, then perhaps the rest of the menu will.

While the staff will not create a typical dinner meal served at any other restaurant, they will provide childhood comfort foods, such as fluffernutters, grilled cheese and peanut butter with jelly.

Top it off with a varied selection of coffees and wireless internet, and you should be good to go for a while.

I might not be able to get the best meal there, or even keep myself from buying every peachy ring in the store, but I know that when I walk in I will be able to find what I want. And that is a comfort in itself.

I recommend giving Campus Candy a look, especially if you’re in a nostalgic or childlike mood. You might give yourself a sweet surprise.

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