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Tuesday, Oct. 1
The Indiana Daily Student

You’d be crazy to buy the deluxe edition


“One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest” is Jack Nicholson at his best, and Nicholson himself is one of the best, so this movie is a must see. The film follows R.P. McMurphy (Nicholson), who is sent to a psych ward for evaluation.  He befriends the other patients and starts a rebellion against the cold Nurse Ratched (Louise Fletcher).

The group therapy scenes are the highlight of the film, depicting how the patients interact with each other, McMurphy and Ratched.  A lot of Nicholson’s performance is his reactions to what goes on around him, and it is believable every second of the story.

The extras were pretty disappointing for a “deluxe” edition because Nicholson isn’t involved in any of them. However, the filmmaker’s commentary gives the viewer a great look behind the scenes of the film.  There is also a very interesting interview with Michael Douglas, who produced this movie.  Other than that, there are superfluous novelty gifts such as posters and playing cards. Only a true fan of the movie would enjoy owning this version.

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