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Sunday, Sept. 29
The Indiana Daily Student


"The Wiz" character Q&A

“The Wiz” is opening Thursday at the Buskirk-Chumley Theater. The IDS spoke to sophomore Allie Hillmann, who plays the role of Addaperle, the good witch of the north.

IDS How did you end up becoming involved in the production of “The Wiz?”

HILLMANN I just transferred here from a small college, St. Joseph’s of Indiana. I am a theater major, and I wanted to audition for different shows and this seemed really cool. I was pretty hooked. I wanted to get into the cast after the first audition. I was pumped from the get-go.

IDS Can you tell me about this version of “The Wiz?”

HILLMANN It is very different. It has a darker tone from the film. I don’t want to say it’s adult-themed, but it’s not childish like we’re used to. The script we were handed had no stage direction. It was all up to us how to interpret the lines.  Ways to read the lines like “hopefully” and “angrily” weren’t given to us, so it helped us to build the character to however we wanted it to be.

IDS What do you think of the different take on directing?

HILLMANN It makes it much more personal. I wanted to come to a big school like IU because theater is an evolving art. If you leave a play to one interpretation it kind of dies.

IDS What did you bring to your interpretation of Addaperle?

HILLMANN I wasn’t exactly sure how to read the lines. The lines a lot of the time seem odd or like you’d have to be the coolest person alive to say them. I adopted kind of a jazz cat attitude, but wasn’t feeling it, so I did the opposite. I became ditsy, spacey and not the most intelligent person.

IDS Are you happy with your portrayal of Addaperle?

HILLMANN I am very happy. I feel comfortable that I’m Addaperle, and that’s how she would be. It just seems right.

IDS What all is involved in the production of “The Wiz?”

HILLMANN There is lots of choreography, lots of big chorus numbers. Normally, when you see a musical character break into song, you’re supposed to accept it as reality. We use hand-held mics and different lighting when we break from reality. It breaks down the fourth wall of audience’s awareness and is kind of cool.

IDS Is this your first performance at IU? Is it any different?

HILLMANN Yes. We were given so much space to do what we wanted with the characters. Everyone is so professional, which is nice. Everyone goes in there wanting to work, which is refreshing after coming from a smaller school. 

IDS Are you looking forward to opening night?

HILLMANN I’m so excited. The cast is awesome. They’re some of the sweetest people I’ve ever met. It’s been nice having that welcome environment coming to such a big school in what can be a less-than-welcoming art.

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