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Sunday, Sept. 29
The Indiana Daily Student


Best Friends to play first show at Bishop

The Best Friends have performed in the Collins Living-Learning Center courtyard, Rachael’s Cafe and flash-shows at the Wright Quad, Read Center and Foster Quad food courts.

But today will be the band’s first show at The Bishop.

“The Bishop is going to be really cool,” said guitarist, vocalist and sophomore Taylor Campi. “We’ve only been together for a couple of months, so I feel like we got into the scene really fast. It’s really exciting and awesome.”

The Best Friends were formed in the Collins courtyard early first semester when Campi joined in on freshmen Neal Anderson and Sven Carlsgaard performing.

Since then, the band has grown to seven members through asking friends to join. All but two of the members are Collins residents.

Freshman Kate Haldrup, percussionist for The Best Friends, joined on-stage during a Collins q-project performance, when the band was still called the Taylor Campi Band.
“I sat in and played drums, and I was in,” Haldrup said. “It’s a different style than I’ve played before — a lot more relaxed.”

Each band member is influenced by different musical backgrounds from Kimya Dawson to Sigur Ros.

“Everyone individually has their own tastes that they bring,” Carlsgaard said. “Naama is jazzy, and Joseph is into acoustic punk. That’s kind of what’s cool about it.”

The Best Friends will perform tonight along with another local band, Brother John.
The show will also feature a solo performance from Anderson.

This will not only be the group’s first performance at The Bishop, but Carlsgaard’s first time in the venue since he just turned 18.

“The first time I’m at The Bishop is for playing there,” he said. “I missed a lot of good shows, but no more.”

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