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Sunday, Sept. 29
The Indiana Daily Student


Stagnant Pools drummer weighs in on music

Doug Enas is a freshman studying philosophy and is half of the musical duo, Stagnant Pools. The other half of the group is his older brother, junior Bryan Enas.

They started the band almost three years ago, and with Doug on the drums and Bryan on vocals and guitar, the duo delivers what Doug called “a mix of shoegaze and alternative rock.”  

Stagnant Pools has played shows at venues like Russian Recording, The Bishop and basements across Bloomington.

Doug said he considers the recent “Real Lies” cassette release a step toward the group’s future ambitions.

He also said they are currently writing and working on releasing something official within the next year.  

Get to know one half of the Stagnant Pools equation.

IDS Where do you think your music sounds best?
DOUG A crowded basement because it’s more fun to have other people’s energy to feed off of.

IDS What album are you listening to right now?
DOUG Joni Mitchell, “For The Roses.”

IDS What’s your favorite piece of equipment?
DOUG A Fender Jaguar, even though I don’t play it, because it sounds silky smooth.

IDS What was the first record you bought?
DOUG “Blue Album” by Weezer at Karma Records. I asked the dude at the record store for something unique, and that’s what he gave me.

IDS What is your favorite local band or musician right now in Bloomington?
DOUG Tammar, I just think they’re the real deal. I like their organ player, and no one else makes music like that here.

IDS If you could play a show with another group or musician, dead or alive, who would it be?
DOUG Velvet Underground because I never got to see them live and I always wanted to see them. And it would be cool to hang out with them. Either them or Stevie Wonder or Rick James — someone crazy.

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