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Saturday, Sept. 28
The Indiana Daily Student


Are you listening?: Dylan Ettinger

There is always some musical project in the works for Dylan Ettinger. graduated from IU last spring and has kept the music coming ever since.

Ettinger’s current project is a solo act that has existed for five years. He called his mix of electric synthesizer sound very melodic with chaotic and warped tendencies.  

The musician’s most recent endeavors include the release of a seven-inch single on the Not Not Fun label, called “Lion of Judah.”

South By Southwest also got a taste of Ettinger this year, as he performed in a showcase for Not Not Fun  while in Austin, Texas.

His next appearance will be Sunday at House Bar.

While he works on his next solo album, “Lifetime of Romance,” Ettinger also has plans in the works for a band called Dry Socket.

The IDS interviewed Ettinger and found out where his music sounds best, what he’s currently listening to and his equipment.

IDS Where do you think your music sounds best and why?

ETTINGER I think my music sounds best in a dark, dank basement. That’s the setting where I have written and recorded the majority of my music. It just feels like the natural habitat for my sounds to inhabit.

IDS What album are you listening to right now?

ETTINGER I’m currently listening to the album “Sentinelle” by my current obsession, Xeno & Oaklander.

IDS What’s your favorite piece of equipment and why?

ETTINGER Definitely my Moog Rogue synthesizer. I had to save up for a while before I could afford it, and it has been the perfect companion for touring and recording.

IDS What’s your favorite band right now in Bloomington?

ETTINGER My favorite local band is either Open Sex or Kam Kama. I can’t decide.

IDS If you could play a show with another group or musician, dead or alive, who would it be?

ETTINGER I would like to play as part of Depeche Mode. I think I would have been a good replacement for Alan Wilder. Maybe I could have discouraged them from using so much guitar in the ’90s.

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