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Saturday, Sept. 28
The Indiana Daily Student


Melton talks new members, old favorites

Pop rock band Rodeo Ruby Love has had a continuing revolution of members — at least far too many for front man Zach Melton to count. However, no matter who is involved with the band, the same set of catchy songs remains.

Melton and his band mates plan to give an infectious performance at 8 p.m. today at Rachael’s Cafe.

Melton said he started the musical project with the hope of writing his own songs, something lighter than other projects he’d participated in. The result was Rodeo, currently composed of Melton, Kyle Kammeyer, Ben Claghorn, Dillon Enright and Melton’s sister, Annie Cheek.

The group has existed since 2006 and possesses a sound Melton described as a good-time sing-along. Despite the lighthearted sentiments of most of the songs, he added that they can sometimes take a different turn.

“Rodeo Ruby Love tries to capture the beautiful simplicity of songwriting from the ’60s pop music. But we can’t escape our roots in the hard-core punk scenes of central Indiana,” Melton said.

Apart from Rodeo, Melton also played in the group Away With Vega, a band with a harder musical inspiration. Though Away With Vega fizzled out a few years ago, this summer marks the fifth-year anniversary of the release of its album “Recovery,” and it’s marking the occasion with music.

“I thought it would be fun to get back together and play a show,” Melton said. “Then our good friends, mentors, favorite band In the Face of War announced that they were calling it quits, and they asked if Away with Vega would reunite and play their last show. It sounded fitting.”

Melton said he appreciates the diversity and breadth of musical presence in Bloomington, and from the diversity of his projects, he fits right in.

IDS Where do you think your music sounds best and why?
MELTON Any place with a crowd. Our songs were meant to be played with and in front of people, you know, having a good time. If no one is there to enjoy it, the songs don’t really reach their full potential. And we go home and cry.

IDS What album are you listening to right now?
MELTON I’ll do the top five right now.
1. Ponytail - “Do Whatever You Want All the Time”
2. Alexander the Great - “Laminer Excursion”
3. Colossal - “Colossal EP”
4. Hop Along - “Wretches 10”
5. “Manhunt” by James L. Swanson (audiobook)

IDS What’s your favorite piece of equipment and why?
MELTON I’m a big fan of the crowbar because of “Home Alone.”

IDS What was the first record you bought and where?
MELTON The first CD I bought was the Fiona Apple “Criminal” single from this place that used to be in Fairmount, Indiana, called Most Music. The first actual record I bought may have been Songs: Ohia’s “Ghost Tropic” from Village Green Records.

IDS What’s your favorite band right now in Bloomington?
MELTON Memory Map.

IDS If you could play a show with another group or musician, dead or alive, who would it be?
MELTON Twothirtyeight, Boilermaker or Clark (a band from northern Indiana).

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