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Saturday, Sept. 28
The Indiana Daily Student


Staff members receive Governor's Arts Awards

Gov. Mitch Daniels and the Indiana Arts Commission have announced six recipients of the 2011 Governor’s Arts Awards.

Of the six candidates chosen from the entire state of Indiana, two were Bloomington residents associated with the Jacobs School of Music, Susann McDonald and Sylvia McNair.

“It is my honor to recognize the contributions and dedication these recipients have made to the arts,” Gov. Daniels said in a press release. “Each one is an example of the rich talent Indiana is blessed with.”

Since 1973, this biennial award has honored those who have contributed to the arts in and outside of Indiana. Recipients can be individuals, organizations, businesses or communities.

McDonald is chairwoman of the Harp Department at the Jacobs School of Music, the largest harp department in the world.

McDonald has been working to promote the harp throughout the world. Her work has taken her to places such as Paris, China
and Jerusalem.

“This award is truly an honor,” McDonald said. “This recognition of my life’s work as a harpist means so much to me.”

While studying music in Paris, McDonald became the first American to receive the prestigious Premier Prix de Harpe. She has also been recognized by the World Harp Congress for her international work with the harp.

McDonald also serves as artistic director of the World Harp Congress, honorary president of the Association International de la Harp and founder and music director for the USA International Harp Competition.

“I have been here for over 30 years now,” McDonald said. “I love my work, because I am working with young people who are very motivated.”
Sylvia McNair, an opera singer and lecturer in the Jacobs School Voice Department, was also chosen for the award.

“Maybe there has been a mistake?” McNair said in a press release. “In a state full of so many great artists and musicians, this is a huge surprise and a tremendous honor.”

McNair is a two-time Grammy Award-winner. The first was in 1993 for a recording of Handel’s “Semele.” The second was in 1996 for her album “The Echoing Air: The Music of Henry Purcell”.

She has performed for Pope John Paul II at the Vatican, for Hillary Clinton and for the Supreme Court.

McNair could not be reached for further comment, but her agent Janet Jarriel said she felt her client more than deserves this award.

“It is fitting for Sylvia to be recognized by Governor Daniels and the Indiana Art Commission,” Jarriel said. “She has championed the arts in Indiana for over two decades and continues to do so.”

The Governor’s Art Award is the only award given for arts and culture by the state
of Indiana.

“We have a wealth of talent from Indiana, much of which goes unnoticed,” Marketing and Communications Director for the IAC Rex Van Zant said. “These awards make sure that the lesser-known talent gets its fair recognition.”

The Governor’s Arts Awards ceremony and dinner will be held Thursday, April 26, 2012, at the Ernestine M. Raclin School for the Arts at Indiana University
South Bend.

“Governor Daniels feels hosting the awards at different places in Indiana is the best way to share something that belongs to the entire state with the entire state,” Van Zant said.

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