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Saturday, Sept. 28
The Indiana Daily Student


Bologna by Bre

The magic of late-night Nutella

Italy Column

The tales of wild weekends overheard at any eatery serving brunch on Sundays in Bloomington might include the “total game.”

In the game, people discuss discovering how much they spent at the Taco Bell drive-thru the night before, with the winner receiving the prize of “best weekend.”

Taco Bell is the “hot” person you saw at a party last night and wanted to hook up with. A seemingly great idea around 3 a.m. after some socializing, but often more drinking, it loses all novelty after the sun rises and you can see it clearly for what it is.

After electing to spend my junior year abroad, I wondered if I wouldn’t miss out on the wonders offered by late night eateries in Bloomington. If you’re thinking I was crazy for worrying about food in Italy, you were right.

The land of pasta, pizza and wine is home to a lesser-known invention that may overshadow the aforementioned three: Nutella.

The delicious almond, hazelnut and chocolate spread invented by the Ferrero family has been one of the best-selling condiments in Italy since its release in the 1960s. There are even shops called Nutellerias that feature a full menu of items with the chocolate spread as the main ingredient.

While it fills the hole left by peanut butter in many of my American peers’ hearts, it’s opened up a whole new world of late night food for me that had previously been monopolized by Chinese food.

Enter my new favorite post-clubbing snack: the Nutella crêpe. Though they were invented by the French, these thin pancakes have been perfected by the Italians in their own special way.

Bombo Crêpes is a small restaurant serving these delicious novelties, located a mere 15-minute stumble from the university area. Serving only what their namesake implies, they’re open all day and change the toppings accordingly.

In the morning, businessmen stop by to pick up crêpes filled with eggs. By the afternoon, requests are made for vegetables and meat. Once the sun has set, the real fun begins as Nutella becomes the dominant topping of choice.

I see the process as the sweet treats are freshly prepared in front of me. After a fresh spoonful of batter has been poured on the griddle, I am instructed to pick out toppings.
A generous helping of the selected ingredients waits patiently in a nearby bowl as the crêpe cooks. Once the crêpe has finished, it is united with my selection — Nutella, of course — to form a unique snacking experience.

The variety of toppings allows customers to personalize their late-night cravings.
These warm crêpes cost a smooth 2 euros, allowing me to stay in the range of Taco Bell’s college-friendly prices without the morning-after regret of a Crunchwrap Supreme or the surprise discovery of a debit on your card from the Taco Bell on North Walnut.  

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