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Saturday, Sept. 28
The Indiana Daily Student


IU alumna Jessica Quirk finds success in fashion blog

Meeting Jessica Quirk is like meeting a Barbie Doll. Well, minus the plastic. However, in place of those yellow strands of hair and pink smile is a personality that will make you feel like you have met your new best friend.

From the moment she says, “Hi, I’m Jessica,” it is clear that there is something special about this Bloomington girl.

Quirk, an IU alumna, is the brains and beauty behind the blog “What I Wore — A Personal Style Blog” at

Quirk began the blog in 2008 after getting great feedback for her outfit posts on a Flickr site called “Wardrobe_Remix,” where people post pictures of their outfits and looks.

“I love ‘Wardrobe_Remix’ because the people are all different ages, shapes and sizes,” Quirk said. “They all have different styles.”

After posting on “Wardrobe_Remix” and her personal blog, she received many positive reactions. From there, she began “What I Wore” by posting pictures of her daily outfits.
By 2009, with a bit of money saved up, Quirk made the brave decision to quit her job and go all in with her blog.

She made money by featuring designers and labels. The first company to buy in was ModCloth, a vintage-inspired online store.

Today, she has a published book, “What I Wore: Four Seasons, One Closet, Endless Recipes for Personal Style,” and thousands follow her blog. What makes “What I Wore” different than any other fashion blog?

“She’s so down to earth,” IU junior Christine Ball said. “I feel like I could replicate some of the looks.”

Ball said she first started reading the blog a year and half ago. She said she became hooked when Quirk moved back to Bloomington. Ball said she finds inspiration for her own style in Quirk’s posts.

Amber Zaragoza, owner of the local boutique Anatomy Vintage, said she is influenced by Quirk’s site as well.

“I used her idea of mixing prints with prints for a display in the store,” Zaragoza said.

Quirk has gone into Anatomy to shop a couple times. Where Quirk goes, her readers follow. According to Zaragoza, two girls came all the way from Upland, Ind., to shop at her store.

“They had come to Bloomington specifically because they wanted to shop where Jessica shops,” Zaragoza said. “People travel hours to shop where she does.”

What is Quirk’s best piece of fashion advice? You don’t have to have a lot of money or clothes to look good.

“Hey, if you have one pair of great jeans, rock those jeans,” Quirk said. “Wear them every day.”

She said her one “must-have” item is a well-fitted blazer. “It instantly takes your outfit up a level,” Quirk said.

However, the fashion blogger’s advice goes far beyond what to pair with leopard print. Her professional expertise and warm personality create someone unstoppable who continues to grow.

“Anything you do, do it well,” Quirk said. “Don’t just sit in your PJs in your parents’ basement when you graduate. Get out. Do something and do it better than anyone else. Even if it’s sharpening pencils. Be the best pencil sharpener ever. You must be willing to learn. We all have something to learn.”

So what’s next for Quirk? With a booming blog and a published book, she admitted she’s really enjoying life. But it’s hard to keep a driven girl settled for too long.

“I feel like I’m looking for this new challenge, and I’m not sure what it is yet,” Quirk said.

But one thing is for sure. Whatever she does, she’ll do it well.

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