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Saturday, Sept. 28
The Indiana Daily Student


Focus on Fashion

Sexy, Smart and Safe

This isn’t the world of Harry Potter.

A person can’t wave a magic wand to make their feet not hurt, their bodies impervious to the cold or to store items until they’re needed.

As such, we normally wear comfortable shoes when we know we’ll be walking long distances, wear coats when it’s chilly and carry purses or bags to hold objects.

But on Halloween, people seem to ignore these elements in the endeavor to look better than everyone else.

Quick, think about last Halloween. What was the most memorable costume you saw?
Mine was a friend as Heath Ledger’s Joker from the movie “The Dark Knight.”

Now, what is the type of costume you see most?

Sexy. There are sexy Little Red Riding Hoods, sexy eskimos — the list goes on.
I think it’s OK to go outside of your comfort zone for Halloween. If you want to wear something a little more scandalous than you normally do, that’s fine.  This is one of the only times that you can be someone else.

These “sexy” outfits are normally paired with thin, sky-high heels.

So ladies, if you must wear these types of shoes, wear flats when walking to and from wherever you are going. Put the heels in your purse and slip them on when you get to the party.

The next component on most female costumes is the skirt. Everywhere you turn in costume shops and online stores, you see bottom-bearing scraps of fabric. I’m not saying they’re not attractive. In fact, some are very well decorated and aesthetically

But if you add that with the tops designed to display the bosom and/or arms, and you could get quite chilly.

It’s late October, people. If you think it’s cold during the day, it’s going to be even colder at night when the sun can’t warm you. My solution is to choose which asset you want to display most.

If it’s your legs, wear the skirt and a long sleeved shirt. The shirt can have flowy sleeves, which will keep you cool even when dancing. If you want to show your arms and/or chest area, wear jeans, leggings, or tights.

Now, sometimes you see that perfect outfit and you have to wear it. Sometimes, that outfit will be scant, so wear a jacket to the event you are attending.

When you get to your destination, take your jacket and find a hidey-hole, such as a cupboard or closet, to stash it in.

Take your valuables with you in case someone takes your coat, and enjoy
the party.

Whether you decide to show it all or cover up, take a coat or wear high heels, please be safe and smart with your fun this coming weekend.


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