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Saturday, Sept. 28
The Indiana Daily Student


1 month of sustainable fashion: week 1

Six Items or Less

Day 7


Today, I realized that I may slight abnormal preference to my left shoulder. I always seem to have it jutting  out of any shirt that will allow a little shoulder action.

Today I just let my cardigan fall off my arm. It was easy option but I’m trying to make every outfit look a bit different than each other, and today I was starting to feel the pressure. 

I feel like Jake can get away with just switching in and out t-shirts. I, on the other hand, have now built up this delusion that if I repeat looks people will instantly think I am crazy bag lady.  So, I poke out a shoulder, throw on a scarf and call it a new outfit.

That’s not to say I enjoy it. I think that generally shoulders are always the best feature for women to show off.  It adds some femininity, makes you think of watching “Flashdance”, and creates a nice ventilation system for your neck.  What’s not to love?
I suppose the question now becomes, when to use the right shoulder?    

Baby steps.


I have still been keeping it simple while keeping up new combinations. But Keiara makes a good point that I can easily switch around combinations. This is something I have just now realized.

When this was starting I was worried I would be going outside of my wardrobe by now. But I am still going. My roommate today, who forgot I was doing the challenge, asked if my sweater was new. So I don't really means anything, but I have worn the sweater already.

Something I have noticed is that people tend to not notice my clothes. I would like to think it's all because I'm making my outfits different, but I think it's also just because I'm a guy.

A lot of people know about me being limited to the six by now, but most tend to forget. Maybe it is because people just know, but I thought more people would be talking to be about my jeans. If your curious I have washed my jeans twice now.

Day 6


Today as I was getting dressed, I started to feel blander than a Kim Kardashian interview.  I decided I needed to spread my wings… take a step outside of the box…turn my cardigan into skirt.

I have to say it’s growing on me.  Knit skirts are such a great option for a warm fall day, and it saves me from my original plan when it’s laundry day.  I won’t give it anything away, but it may or may have involved a large paper bag…possibly two, if I’m coming down from a Ben and Jerry’s binge.

 So how do you get to this level of desperation? All you have to do is follow these few easy steps. 

For one, make sure you have fitted cardigan. If it’s too big , you might as well park the mini-van because you just pulled up in Soccer Momville .

The next step is to button the cardigan around you waist and tie up the sleeves any style that you want as long as it keeps it secure on your hips.

Oh, and adjust it so the sleeves don’t bulk up. The last thing you want is to look like you’re hiding two saddlebags worth of Krispy Kreme doughnuts under your skirt.  Though the idea does tempt me…

I have to say this is what I love about this project. Trying out all these different ideas that I was too afraid to go through with when I had a choice. By limiting my options, I’m letting myself be creative, and not care whether it’s crazy.

Today, I actually had fun getting dressed. When’s the last time you’ve said that to yourself?


So I am still not being that adventurous with my outfits. Today the weather was still pretty nice so I just wore the blue V-neck with a scarf. When I went out I did bring a coat though.

I still have a few more somewhat simple outfits I can do before I will start expanding outside of my my accessories.

I really want to be creative with the way I use accessories, and I think this is an interesting challenge since I'm a guy. So I have been on the lookout for new items that could really change things up.

Yesterday I was with my friend and she was wearing a great tube scarf, and besides wanting to steal it from her, it gave me some new ideas of things I could do. Although I'm afraid I may be relying too much on scarfs. But, as a guy it is one of the easiest thing to turn to.

So if anyone has any suggestions other than scarfs just let me know.

Today was also the first time I washed my clothes. I didn't want to just wash the six pieces alone, so luckily I had a lot of dirty clothes I could wash. The only problem is since I wont be wearing them the other clothes I don't really want to take the time to hang them up.

I will hopefully get to it at some point in the next few days, but it doesn't look promising.

Day 5


It’s November, which means that I have tons of projects due in the next coming weeks before I can hibernate for the winter.  So today, I’ve turned my room into a tiny little sweatshop filled with glitter glue and paper cuts.  For those always-fun quick trips to Hobby Lobby, I decided to keep my look easy.

I just threw on my black jeans, flouncy top and tied on a scarf for a little interest. Every girl needs a outfit that it easy to just throw on and go. Thank goodness that I decided to make this top one of my six items. 

It has the perfect mix of something that I can run errands in, and then I can dress up with a few little accessories. I know it’s obvious, but today was my first realization that anytime I walk outside I have to put these clothes on.

I mean, if I just want to walk to the convenience store, which is just a few minutes away, I  better be at least wearing my skirt or no dice. It probably doesn’t help that I spoke to my mom.

My mother, who can attest that I have more outfit changes before leaving the house than most musicals can have in the first act, thinks by the end of this project, I’ll be going nuts.

This is the woman who rushed me off the phone because she was afraid that I would distract her and she’ll end up putting her “keep” shoes in the “throw away “ pile. So I can’t argue with that kind of logic. 

My challenge is now is figuring out new ways to wear this top. I ‘m think about tying it up, or belting it for a more fitted look. Maybe I’ll switch it up and let the other shoulder get some exposed action.

I don’t know if the world is ready for all that just yet.


Today was another day when I just wanted to stay in sweats and lounge around. The weather actually turned out to be really nice so I would have ended up changing, but in the morning I just didn't want to change.

The urges to just stay in my pajamas is hard to fight. All I had to do was go to campus and work on stuff for the IDS. It would have been so easy to stay in my seats, but Keiara and I set a rule that anytime we left our house we had to have our pieces of our six on. So I threw on my jeans, purple V-neck and a cap and left for campus.

I guess another good thing about this challenge is it forces me not to look like a slob in public.

I went with the purple shirt, because I still saw it as being new since I wore it under a cardigan and scarf last time. So although yesterday was when I had official worn all my items, I still see the outfit as new. I think I'm just saying that because I now have to be more creative with my clothes or face reusing multiple outfits.

So starting tomorrow, my outfits will (hopefully) start being a little less plain. The week of going basic is over.

Day 4

Well, I've made it to the fourth day, and I haven't completely lost my mind. Then again, I did consider the positives of wearing pajama jeans today, so maybe I have.

Since the sun decided to make an appearance today, I gave my toes a little air. I wore my black sandals with my leggings, cardigan and tank top. A perfect outfit for some downtown window-shopping, which I have decided is the most torturing activity that I have been subjected to so far. Though Thanksgiving still holds some promise.

Looking at clothes you can't buy and knowing that you can't wear them anyway, was as close as I ever want to get to cruel and unusual punishment. I think I may have to avoid clothing stores all together for the rest of the month; it's just too tempting. Therefore my new plan is to substitute shopping with more carbs and chocolate.

That seem functional. Just like pajama jeans.


I have now worn all of my six items. Even though like I said in my day 3 posting, my purple V-neck couldn't really be seen under the cardigan. But, since the blue V-neck was technically my only new option left it was a pretty obvious choice to go with for today. And then I only have one pair of pants so again, my outfit was pretty simple to put together.

I am finding that is the beauty of this challenge. Every day it still strikes me how easy it is to get ready in the morning. I pretty much just check the weather, look at my six items, think about what I had just worn and then grab and go.

I'm not exactly sure if it is because of the challenge, but I have noticed I'm getting to class much earlier (which means not late). But, now that I have worn all the items I know things will get more complicated. Like I have said before though, I am looking forward to the challenge of making my outfits new and to see what interesting things I can come up with.

Day 3


I hate rain.  I hate cold weather.  So today when I looked out my window, you can only imagine what words came to mind. Big hint: it wasn’t gee willikers.

I could tell it was going to be a zero effort kind of day.  All I did was roll out of bed, throw on my flouncy black shirt and leggings, curl my hair, apply a little mascara, coordinate sneakers, and pick out a gaudy necklace, a beret and a small stack of bracelets.  You know…effortless.

I am really feeling this laid-back look, even if wearing all black made me look like I was stagehand in a high school production of “Grease.” The only thing that kind of worried me was the leggings. You see, leggings and I have a complicated relationship.  I admit that they are comfortable and a great option for those days when you simply don’t want to wear jeans, but there are times when the spandex hits the fan.  Literally.  I wore the shiny kind for Halloween…almost took an eye out. 

The problem for me is if I can see the sassy saying printed on the back of your underwear through your “opaque” pair of leggings, then I am pretty sure that creeper in the back corner of Kilroy’s got a good look too. You might as well as have printed, “Please follow me around for the rest of the night, I’ll be sure to leave my drink unattended,” right across your backside.

As for now, leggings are my friend and give me a nice break between my skinny jeans and hooker skirt.  I hope by the end of this month, I won’t have the urge to roast them over an open fire.


Today was not as fun as yesterday. Overall it wasn’t bad, but it was the first time that I was affected by the limited apparel. I woke up at about 8:30 a.m. after about six hours of sleep, which is pretty average for me, and it was pouring down rain.

I was tired and my house was cold and I all wanted to do was put on a hoodie, grab coffee and go to class. Luckily I have no restrictions on my caffeine intake so I was just denied a hoodie.

So I went with the black cardigan over the purple V-neck. We are allowed coats so that was good with today’s weather. S
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