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Saturday, Sept. 28
The Indiana Daily Student


Focus on Fashion

Fashionistas? Nah, just call us Collinsites

It comes and awakens the imagination and creativity of IU students every year. Well, mostly Collins Center students.

What am I speaking of? Why, Hogwarts Week, of course.

If you go by Collins this week, or eat at its dining hall, you might just see something a bit odd about the fashion.

Funky hats, Gryffindor robes and ties of Slytherin green will be easily spotted on many residents.

Heck, for Halloween I saw one girl wearing a homemade papier-mache lion’s head reminiscent of one Luna Lovegood. Maybe she’ll break it out again?

With these fashions, Collinsites are reinforcing a stereotype that makes other IU students call the residence hall Hogwarts. We don’t care.

This week is a time to go outside of our comfort zone. To delve into the world of J.K. Rowling’s design. To have fun and not care about what others think.

While I’ve never participated, mostly because I just don’t have the time or interest to make a wand or brew soap, Hogwarts Week has always kept me entertained.

I’ve lived in Collins since freshman year, and I’ve always loved seeing the creativity that the students here use in their day-to-day fashions.

Changing hair colors, bohemian skirts and a developing fashion called “steampunk” can all be found here along with the fashion trends more prevalent at IU.

“What is ‘steampunk?’” you might ask. I define it as a mixture of old Victorian style, with lace, dark colors and mechanical-designed accessories.

Wikipedia says, “Works of steampunk often feature anachronistic technology or futuristic innovations as Victorians may have envisioned them, based on a Victorian perspective on fashion, culture, architectural style, art, etc.”

Do you understand why I love watching the fashion trends around Collins?
It’s not just Hogwarts Week that brings about creativity among Collinsites. We use creativity in their everyday styles. We express ourselves.

Others might find how we express ourselves as odd, but I don’t believe anyone at Collins really cares. More people should look at fashion this way.

Fashion should make you feel good; it shouldn’t be just to fit the styles that are dominant on campus. It should be a reflection of you.


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