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Saturday, Sept. 28
The Indiana Daily Student

Nothing to be afraid of


California’s Sea Lions strum guitars and bang on tambourines with the effervescence of a high school band and the innocent looks to match.

As a debut album, “Everything You Always Wanted To Know About The Sea Lions But Were Afraid to Ask” shines in its simplicity. Merging surf rock, post-punk and the deadpan vocals of frontman Adrian Pillado, the album makes up in effort what it lacks in variety.

 As part of the DIY music scene, the band got its first break with a cassette release on Yay! Records and has worked its way toward a full LP with songs like “Grown Up.” That being said, 15 tracks in and the four chord progressions start to blend into a monotonous aural experience.

Though the band might not be very memorable, its slow-paced tracks are suited for the teenage romance movies of yesteryear. Perhaps John Cusack could even play “My Girl” or “A Song For Your Smile” through a boom box above his head as he stands outside a girl’s window.

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