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Saturday, Sept. 28
The Indiana Daily Student


*ask to promote new single Friday

“Painted Hole / Best Friends” is the debut single from local rockers *ask, but it’s far from its collaborators’ first foray into recorded sound.

Each member of the  band is a veteran of the indie scene, and the new seven-inch is the culmination of a creative union that was long destined to happen.

The vinyl-only single brings *ask together with engineer Dan Figurelli for two cuts of infectious rock ‘n’ roll.

On Friday, the band will play a free show at Landlocked Music promoting the release. Live Buzz called up bassist and vocalist Scott Kellogg to ask about the band, the record, the show and the future.

Live Buzz You’ve all been active elsewhere in the music scene. Can you talk about how *ask got together?

Scott Kellogg Paul (Mahern, vocals and guitar) produced both of Dave England’s (guitar and vocals) solo records, and he also produced my solo record. Basically, Paul wanted to get a band together with Dave and get a band together with me, so we just added Alex Jarvis (drums), who played in a bunch of awesome indie bands in the ’90s, and all started a band together. Everybody wanted to play some rockin’ music.

LB What was the recording process like for the seven-inch?

SK It was easy. We just recorded the songs live and overdubbed vocal parts and some synthesizers. We recorded it at White Ark, which is Paul’s studio, a part of Echo Park Studios.

LB Why did you decide to do a vinyl-only pressing?

SK First of all, we all like records. They have a different feel and a different sound.
Second, the ease of obtaining digital music makes the actual artifact of the vinyl record more valuable. With vinyl, you have to physically take it out and put it on the turntable. It’s a much more tactile, visceral experience. Plus, there’s a marked difference in sound between a vinyl recording and the digital version.

LB How did the Landlocked gig come about?

SK We wanted to do a little promotion for the single, and Landlocked is a nice group of people who we wanted to show some support for, so we asked them when a good time was, and they’re letting us come play.

LB What are the advantages of playing a release show at a record store rather than a more traditional club or bar?

SK It’s just kind of a goofy, different way to play a show. Plus, it’s just a single.
If we were supporting an LP, maybe we’d want to do something bigger, but it’s definitely fun to play at a record store.

LB Speaking of LPs, is there a full-length in the near future for *ask?

SK I don’t know if near future is an accurate prediction, but we’re definitely well into the writing and recording process of new material.

WHAT *ask single release show
WHEN 6:30 p.m. Friday
WHERE Landlocked Music
MORE INFO Admission is free and open to all ages

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