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Friday, March 7
The Indiana Daily Student

crime & courts

3 Bloomington residents arrested in meth bust

Indiana State Police arrested three Bloomington residents Monday night for connections to a meth lab.

Amy Christine Young and Joshua Grubb were charged with dealing methamphetamine, maintaining a common nuisance, possession of methamphetamine and possession of chemical reagents or precursors with intent to manufacture a controlled substance.
Young and Grubb were also charged with possession of paraphernalia, a class A misdemeanor.

The third person, Brandon Grant, was arrested, but released Tuesday afternoon when he was not formally charged.

According to the probable cause affidavit, the Indiana State Police received two anonymous tips about a possible meth lab at 612 Skyline Drive. The first was received on Feb. 5, when a confidential informant told Indiana State Police Detective Jon L. Patrick he had talked with Grubb about manufacturing methamphetamine at the 612 Skyline Drive address. The informant stated Grubb talked about cooking meth in the garage.

According to the informant, needles and paraphernalia were scattered throughout the messy house.

The second anonymous tip about the meth lab came on Feb. 6. Detective Patrick was told by Indiana State Police Trooper Kent Rohlfing that he had received information about a possible meth lab. The anonymous caller claimed to be a relative of Grubb, Rohlfing said. The caller went to the residence to pick up a friend and said his friend was high on drugs. The caller also told Trooper Rohlfing that his friend talked about how he and Grubb had just cooked meth in the residence.

On Monday, Detective Patrick and Trooper Rohlfing went to 612 Skyline Drive, attempting to contact Grubb and Young. Detective Patrick stated that from his training he smelled an odor consistent with chemicals used to cook methamphetamine. Detective Patrick and Trooper Rohlfing noticed there were people in the house, so they left to avoid drawing attention to themselves.

At 8:30 p.m. Monday night, Detective Patrick testified for a search warrant, which was granted.

At 8:50 p.m., Detective Patrick, Trooper Rohlfing and two other Indiana State Police Troopers entered 612 Skyline Drive. Detective Patrick stated he saw paraphernalia in the living room of the house and the remains of a meth lab in the garage, along with chemical reagents. As no one was home, they pulled back and waited for the residents to return.

A red Ford Escape returned at 9:20 p.m. to the residence and entered the garage. Detective Patrick and Trooper Rohlfing approached the vehicle. Detective Patrick said they asked the occupants of the vehicle to step out and they subsequently handcuffed the occupants ­— Young, Grubb and Grant.

Young followed Detective Patrick inside and said she was making a documentary about drug use, and everything in the house was for her research. Young did admit to using methamphetamine, but denied the existence of the meth lab.
Grubb was then brought into the house and read his rights. He denied having knowledge of the meth lab. Grubb denied being the meth cook and would not tell Detective Patrick who was responsible.

After searching the vehicle instant cold packs were found, along with lithium batteries, coffee filters and a plastic bottle. Grubb admitted to buying the instant cold pack and said he was going to trade it for meth. Detective Patrick asked Grubb if the person he was trading with was the cook and Grubb responded, “no.”

612 Skyline Drive is located behind Arlington Elementary School. The Monroe County Community Schools system could not be reached for a comment.

Grubb and Young were still in custody at the Monroe County Sheriff’s Department as of 12:30 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 14.

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