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Saturday, March 8
The Indiana Daily Student


Letter: Wisconsin's abortion ultrasounds

I am writing in response to Cole Lewis’ July 8 article “Wisconsin decides to kick (her) while she’s down” which criticized Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker’s bill to require
ultrasounds before abortions.

Whenever a certain group of people is oppressed, it is often done so based on the belief that they are less than human. Cases throughout history that incorporate this belief include the Holocaust, and the Tutsis during the Rwandan Genocide. These people were even called derogatory names, like snakes or cockroaches.

While I wouldn’t say that women seeking abortion are Nazis, I feel that anyone that does decide to take such action should recognize that they are deciding to kill a distinct and living human being, and not a “clump of cells.” Lewis also said “Next time he (Governor Walker) takes a drink of alcohol, I’d like to show him how his liver reacts. Next time he eats a cheeseburger, I’d like to show him his cholesterol.” I found this a little insulting to the freedoms protected by our constitution.

If anyone wants to destroy his or her own body by eating terrible food and drinking alcohol, as long as it is not harmful to someone else, by all means, eat and drink whatever you want.

But when another living person’s life is at stake and that person has no “choice” in the matter, the least that could be done is at least acknowledge that the human child is there. As far as I’m concerned, if someone changes their mind about an abortion after seeing an ultrasound, then they didn’t want an abortion in the first place.

­— Greg Mochen, Chesterton, Ind.

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