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Friday, Sept. 27
The Indiana Daily Student


Column: Lotus highlights eclectic fashion

Lotus Parade

Walking up Kirkwood on Saturday night seemed like any other night. However, as I paced further up the street, brassy music rose in volume with every step.

I knew it was Lotus Festival, but since I had never been, I didn’t know what I was getting myself into until I was surrounded by masses of people.

My friend pulled me onto a street ledge so I could get a better view. She knew I was looking for street fashion that night.

While I surveyed over countless heads and nodded toward the more bohemian trends visible — maxi skirts, harem pants and an overall floral obsession — what actually caught my eye was the dress of the festival performers.

Bright colors and bold prints suited the lively atmosphere. Honking horns, squeaking violins and loud traffic matched the almost circus-like fashion
surrounding me.

I loved it.

With all of the action on the street and the strange costuming, I forgot I was at the heart of a college town. If someone told me I was in the center of a circus tent, I would have believed them.

Especially since I had seen a two-foot-tall parrot at a different venue.

One singular occurrence that summed up the entire festival’s atmosphere was the sight of a woman suited to be surrounded by tigers and jugglers. She wore bright red. The color was embodied in the gauzy fascinator and hoop-skirted red dress she wore.

Her outfit was so flamboyant, nothing like anything I had seen on a day-to-day basis. She literally personified the wonderfully gaudy atmosphere of Lotus Fest.

Unfortunately, she was too one-of-a-kind to be considered a strong trend.
Fortunately, vertical candy stripes were.

Whether they were in skirt or legging form, they were everywhere. Almost one out of every 20 people were wearing them.

I know it may seem like a large ratio, but take into account that I was most likely surrounded by at least 50 people every minute.

I was at the parade and festival grounds. Minutes literally add up exponentially in this case.

Knowing that stripes are an upcoming trend, it was interesting to see them on someone so distinct.

I just wished I had the foresight to buy a ticket to get into the musical tent to see what the musical performers were dressed like.


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