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Friday, Sept. 27
The Indiana Daily Student


IU Ballroom Dance to hold callout meeting


IU Ballroom Dance will hold its fall callout meeting at 8:30 p.m. Thursday in Alumni Hall.

Attendees can expect performances from the club’s professional coach and group members, as well as a free cha-cha lesson from the club’s president, Crystal Wespestad, and the club’s captain, Brandon Rhodes.

Along with the cha-cha lesson, group members will also perform in a mock-competition, which provides newcomers with an idea of what a typical ballroom competition would resemble.

Wespestad said she believes the club’s callout is a great way to get its information out to the school and allows the talent of the group to be showcased.

“To me, it’s our biggest chance to get people’s attention and let them see who we are,” Wespestad said. “It gives them a chance to try it and see how much they can learn in such a short amount of time.”

Starting off with no dance experience, Rhodes said he remembers attending his first callout meeting and seeing Wespestad perform with her partner, Nate Wavle, and feeling encouraged to join.

“There are a lot of people that go to the callouts that have no idea how to dance,” Rhodes said. “I specifically remember seeing Nate and Crystal go out and, after knowing they had only been dancing for half a year, being like, ‘Wow. I think I can do this, too.’”

Another important point club members strive to advertise is the cost-effectiveness of the club. The club charges around $60 per semester for new members’ weekly lessons — $80 for returning members — whereas the typical studio could charge the same price per lesson.

“If you ever wanted to try it, now’s the time,” Wespestad said. “Indiana University Ballroom Dance is the best price for how much you learn, and you learn faster than at any dance studio.”

Not only can the club be a money-saver, it also caters to students of all dance levels. Rhodes said dancers with little to no experience are always welcome.

“I never thought I would be able to dance, even at half the level,” Rhodes said. “After my first three weeks I was dancing socially at parties like it was no big deal.”

Along with weekly lessons, the club offers its members the chance to show off their skills at competitions around the Midwest.

Wespestad said attending the callout meeting and watching the mock-competition is a good introduction to ballroom competition.

“They’ll be performing the tango, and people will get to experience a little of what competitions are like for us,” Wespestad said.

For more information about the callout and IU Ballroom Dance, check out the group’s Facebook page, IU Ballroom Dance.

Follow reporter Olivia Williams on Twitter @obwillia.

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