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Wednesday, Sept. 18
The Indiana Daily Student


College to Life: the good side to it all in the terms of fashion

I recently purchased a Moleskine Turntable Planner to replace my Lilly Pulitzer agenda in an attempt to look less Elle Woods at law school next year.  

It was a hesitant purchase.

Seniors approach graduation are only partially ready to jump. As soon as it happens, stomachs drop and that free-fall feeling is certain. But once you land, it’ll likely be on your feet. And potentially in some new heels that fit better than the last pair.  
I felt a Moleskine would fit Chicago even if I don’t know if Chicago will fit me yet.

Cities are funny like that. My wardrobe for the past three summers has been dictated by New York commutes, London drizzle and Costa Rican heat. Consistently for the past four years, though, it’s been a collection of pieces taken from all of you right here in perfectly collegiate Bloomington.

But just as we had to give up that high school jersey, this transition requires a bit of giving, too. But I find there’s too many Buzzfeed articles that speak of the negatives without giving us something back. I’d like to do that.

Here are some swaps that can make you see the positives while assuring your landing will be as stylized as that Kentucky Watford shot in the basket our sophomore season.

Gals to women

Fanny pack to clutch

This hurts me more than anyone. Handy, vintage potential, but the zippers will jam your fashion credibility.

Invest in a clutch, and hold yourself mature enough to keep ahold of it. Otherwise, consider a wrist strap.

Letters to brand tees

I’m greek. I’m not one of the bashing, over-opinionated columnists. I have merit to say this.

Ladies, please don’t be that alumna that takes over-hashtagged Instagram selfies about your “best days.” We prepped you to be better than that.

Don’t wear them. Do save them. After all, sisterhood is for forever.

PINK to boutique

Ladies, if you’re still wearing Victoria Secret’s PINK collection or digging in those H&M 5 for 10 bins, let me let you in on a secret — you have more options.

Nice lingerie is too closely tied to sex, but the right piece can make you feel confident without anyone seeing it but you.

Do it for you. Also, book a professional bra fitting. It’s a beautiful thing.

Bar heels to heels that aren’t vodka-sticky

Invest in good heels and take care of them.

Don’t throw them around and leave them unpolished. They’ll think you don’t love them.  
Sheer & lace to sexy cuts

Consider your expanding audience.

Sheer & lace tops with bandeaus might be seen as inappropriate and less fashionable. Consider sexy cuts with necklines and fabric.

Faux leather to not tacky
The college student budget was a valid excuse. It’s not in the “real world.”
Again, invest in something. Leather lasts. Otherwise, opt for edgy faux leather details.

Leggings to (pick one)

Obviously. If you want to be comfortable, wear a Lululemon set. Otherwise, there’s an entire world of things such as pants, trousers, chinos, drawers, slacks, knickers, cords, jeans, jumpers and even pedal pushers, if you prefer.

Different sizes, colors and fits. Explore.

Shacker apparel to your apparel

Walks of shame shouldn’t have been a thing in the first place. If you plan to shack, keep something at his place.

A one-night thing? Suck it up. Put on your heels, some chapstick and have him drive you home.

Uggs to riding boots

We all knew they were out, but now you should live like it.

Invest in lined rain boots or experiment with socks in some new riding boots.

Anyway, the Australian surf boots were never made for snow anyway.

Last night’s makeup

It’s not just sloppy, it’s unhealthy. Wash your face and moisturize.

Boys to Gentlemen

Boxers to Briefs

Boxers don’t have to be completely out, but do stop wearing those ones with Hollister birds on them that somehow survived from high school.

Burn those. Invest in Calvin Klein or such briefs. Especially with slacks.

Event T-shirts to classic tees

It’s cool you were on an intramural team, saw an EDM concert or attended a sorority formal. Sort of goes along with actions speak louder than words. Show us how involved you are now.

Don’t have a mass-produced shirt tell us you’re living in the past. Invest in a few classic tees.

Frat tanks to anything but

Don’t be that 30-year-old Delt still wearing his Little 500 tank to the gym. Invest in some legitimate apparel.

Fashionable gym bags are a thing, too.
Untailored suits to maturity

Make sure it fits. Just because you don’t know the rules, doesn’t mean your colleagues won’t. It matters.

I’m sure there’s an app to help make sure it does.

Tennis shoes to (pick one)

Other shoes exist. It makes a huge difference. Oxfords, desert boots, dress boots, high tops, long wings, monk straps, loafers, espadrilles. Explore.

Cargos and chubbies to tailored seam

It’s the two extremes. Cargo shorts, which have been deemed unfashionable, will continue to have that label even if some adult men wear them.

Chubbies, well, they might have been campus culture, but are not supported anywhere else but a college campus. Pay attention to seam lengths. They should be tailored to your build.

Socks and undershirts

You don’t always need an undershirt, and T-shirts should not be worn as such anyway. Also, socks matter. When you sit, we can see them.

You might as well make a statement with them, and it shouldn’t be, “I mismatch,” or “I clash,” or “I’m the 8 percent of men that are color blind.”

Combed to styled

It’s not enough to comb it anymore. Look into male product lines. Know your cut, and others will begin to recognize you for it, too. Slick power move.

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