The Indiana State Board of Education and the Indiana Department of Education released the new proposed Indiana Academic Standards Tuesday.
The standards will be presented to the Indiana Education Roundtable April 21 and go to the State Board for final approval April 28.
“As the first state to withdraw from Common Core, Indiana had a unique responsibility to create new, high standards in an open and serious process that would serve our children and strengthen our schools,” Gov. Mike Pence said in a press release.
According to the release, more than 2,000 Indiana citizens, including teachers, administrators and parents, helped in some way to shape the standards, including through public input online.
More than 100 Indiana teachers were included in the process of drafting the standards.
“They, along with experts in higher education and business, spent more than 6,000 hours to develop standards that will be both unique to Indiana and will prepare our students for success in college and the workplace,” Pence said in the release.
The standards will be reviewed next by the Education Roundtable and the State Board of Education to make sure they are of high quality and meet Pence’s objectives.
“Because of the hard work of our educators and parents, Indiana is leading the way on state academic standards that will challenge our students, guide our teachers and give parents the confidence that our Indiana standards reflect the high expectations Hoosiers have for all our schools,” Pence said in the release.
More information about the standards can be found at
Sydney Murray
Ind. releases academic standards to replace Common Core
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