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Wednesday, Jan. 8
The Indiana Daily Student

Ebola spreads, America lounges

There’s a deadly virus outbreak happening across the globe, and many Americans don’t even know about it.

Three hundred and sixty-seven people are dead and 675 people in West Africa have been afflicted by the worst Ebola outbreak on record.

Although Doctors Without Borders has been fighting the outbreak, they can only do so much.

The spread of the virus has reached epic proportions, and it’s only going to continue spreading unless drastic measures are taken.

This international crisis will require cooperation from multiple governments if anything is going to change. But the United States does not seem to see any urgency in the ?situation.

America’s lack of aid is not surprising considering the relationship between the U.S. and Africa. A look back in history will show you that America will only lend aid if it’s in our own best interest.

During the Cold War, America sent both economic and military aid to Africa.

However, many people argue the only reason America did this was because we were afraid of the spread of communism rather than out of a desire to help the people of Africa.

Fast-forward to the 1990s and you’ll see ?another example of ?bystander America.

The Rwandan genocide left nearly 800,000 people dead, the majority of which were innocent of and defenseless against the hateful violence that plagued their country.

But the U.S. failed to take any active measure to stop the violence.

Why would we try to stop the murders of thousands of people when there wasn’t anything in it for us?

Recently, the U.S. has taken an interest in engaging with several African nations in hopes of ?securing oil and ?becoming less dependent on the Middle East.

Now that the continent has something of value to offer, we don’t mind associating with parts of it.

As the Ebola outbreak continues to spread, the threat of cross-border transmission grows. Hundreds of people have ?already died because of this horrible virus.

And many more will face the same sad fate ?unless action is taken to stop its spread.

In such a global world, it is possible the virus could go as far as America. Yet we aren’t taking the threat seriously.

We have the power to help this situation, to stanch this disease. But do we have the motivation?

If the people of West Africa are hoping for help from the U.S., they might be waiting in vain.

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