I recently finished a fine book on World War II. It is called the “Deadly Embrace,” by Anthony Read and David Fisher. Even though it is about the past, it gave me some deeper insights into what is going on today.
There is a lot that is not right in this world. Terrorism, Ebola, civil war, racism, poverty, rape. We often look at these horrible things as if they are far away and beyond us.
And yes, most are far away, but history is not made up of faraway events that happen in faraway lands. History is made up of people – like you and me – who make decisions about what they are going to stand for, live for and maybe even die for.
“Deadly Embrace” explores, a generally less investigated part of the conflict, specifically the relationship between Stalin and Hitler. In the beginning, despite deep national hatred toward each other, they conclude a non-aggression pact. This effectively allows Hitler, with his Eastern font now firmly stabilized and secure, the ability to flatten Poland and then engage the West with considerable confidence.
In fact, the book makes it clear that without such a pact Hitler may have postponed his ambitions for Poland, at least briefly. This may have allowed for an understanding to come between Hitler and the West – avoiding war altogether. Or at the very least, more time could have been gained for Britain and France to prepare for war.
Though both of these are somewhat unlikely, they are interesting. But what happened has happened, and there is no going back.
We can, however, learn. For me, this “learning” took a very unique shape. Through the books research and story telling, I was introduced to diplomats, secretaries and politicians, where it became clear that there are those who had character, courage and integrity and those who did not.
For example, there were those in Hitler’s diplomatic service that constantly fed the British, French and Americans information of some of Hitler’s key back room disunions. If caught such acts would have cost these brave men their lives. But they did it none the less and because of it the West of mare prepared to eventually fight and win.
Doing what is right is always on the right side of history. That is where I am going with all of this — I know I needed a reminder of this simple truth.
Maybe some of you did, too.