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Monday, Jan. 13
The Indiana Daily Student


Boobs by the hour

Imagine living in a world where you can have bigger breasts just for a day or a few weeks.

But wait, you already can!

Plastic surgeon Dr. Norman Rowe has developed a saline injection that will make breasts bigger for a period of 24 hours. After the 24-hour period has elapsed, the breasts will deflate and return to normal. The procedure costs approximately $2,500, which breaks down to a little more than $100 per hour of enhanced breast time.

Rowe has described his procedure as “insta-breasts,” for obvious reasons — larger breasts ?instantly.

Rowe is in the process of developing a procedure that he calls “vacation breasts.” This procedure will be quite similar to the insta-breasts, but the effects will be longer lasting. Vacation breasts will last for two to three weeks and will likely cost less than the ?insta-breasts procedure.

The theory behind the procedure is women can have better-looking breasts for special occasions such as weddings without having to make the lifetime commitment to the standard breast implant surgery. Or, women can test out what it might be like to have enhanced breasts before committing to surgery to decide if breast implants are really what they want.

The vacation and insta-breast procedures are remarkable and revolutionary in that they allow women to temporarily experience breast enhancement. If a woman chooses to have one of these procedures done, she will not be stuck with dissatisfying breasts forever.

However, Rowe’s procedures won’t provide an instantaneous fix for body issues that stem from a lack of self-confidence or feeling inadequate because your breasts don’t fit with ?society’s beauty standards.

Getting bigger breasts instantly with the intent of conforming to beauty standards is similar to just slapping a Band-Aid on a gaping wound. It will only stop the feelings of insufficiency for a short while.

When you make a choice to alter your body, you have to want it for reasons that are not being pressed on you by society. You have to want it for yourself and your own reasons. If you want bigger breasts, your reasons should be because you want to feel as comfortable as humanly possible in your own skin, not because society tells you your breasts are too small to be beautiful and attractive.

If you listen to what everyone else has to say, there will always be something that needs to be fixed or changed and your body will become a constant project that you are forever trying to improve.

Plastic surgery allows many women and men to hide behind their insecurities because they are not in line with what society thinks is beautiful, rather than accepting themselves and their bodies for what they are.

Everyone should feel comfortable with their bodies, and if you need any form of plastic surgery to feel comfortable, so be it. Just don’t change yourself because you think you can’t be attractive or beautiful if you don’t fall into normative beauty ?categories.

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