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Thursday, Feb. 27
The Indiana Daily Student


Open letter of support for the Black Student Union at IU-Bloomington

We stand with the people around the country calling for justice and racial equality in American society.

Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel once said, “The opposite of good is not evil, the opposite of good is ?indifference.”

He said this to wake up the masses during the Civil Rights Movement to bring people to their feet and combat racial inequality.

Rabbi Heschel marched through Selma, hand-in-hand with Martin Luther King Jr., supporting King in his efforts of seeking racial equality.

As Rabbi Heschel supported the call for racial equality in 1965, we, the IU Hillel Student Board of Directors, as representatives of the Jewish community of IU, would like to extend our support to the Black ?Student Union at IU.

We encourage the work on your mission which seeks and encourages the highest standard of justice and equality at every social and institutional level in our country. We stand united in solidarity and as allies to those who are in grief, and yearn for the days of recognition, respect and fairness.

We stand with you to support the cause for equality and justice, as Rabbi Heschel said, “In a free society, some are guilty, but all are ?responsible.” We, the Jewish students of IU, support the Black Student Union to express our interest in partnership for a progressive future and to ensure that racial ?equality is sustained.

As a community, it is our responsibility to recognize this institutionalized racism, systematic injustice and work united with you to oppose these until peace, justice and fairness are found.

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