Grade: A
By the time the opening title sequence began to sing its calming ode to love, tears flooded my eyes.
“May God Bless and Keep You Always.”
Those few poignant words, the lyrics to the theme song and episode title of the series finale, completely sum up what “Parenthood” is about.
After six beautiful seasons about unconditional love and familial bonds, “Parenthood” has come to a close while the getting was still good.
“Parenthood” never defaulted into the cheesy show about a large family that loves every member. There was most definitely love, but there was also sorrow and anger.
It was a tale about the human condition and forgiveness, and in a world ridden with shows about scandal and societal horrors, a show as raw as “Parenthood,” where all the emotions are out on the table in a real way, was refreshing.
Lessons can be learned from the Braverman clan — lessons for life.
“Parenthood” involved a beautiful execution of character development, showing just how great humans really can be with a little bit of unconditional love and recognition that we are all just human, trying to do our best every day.
The first episode brought viewers a distraught Sarah Braverman, played by the lovely Lauren Graham, fleeing her home to move with her two children back to her parents’ house.
After hitting rock bottom, the series established a creative character development for Sarah, showing we never quite stop growing at any age.
The series ended as perfectly as it possibly could.
The ending was simple and gorgeous. It was flawlessly executed.
Everything truly had to end the way it ended — with new beginnings and hope.
Start watching this show now if you haven’t already, because it can teach you to be a better human or to just recognize that you are human and that no strength a person has can be as beautiful if it weren’t for the weaknesses paired with it.
It will allow you to recognize the power of supporting those we share bonds with, because we really don’t have to go through life on our own.
“May God bless and keep you always / May your wishes all come true.”
The beauty in life is having someone to share it with and finding something to heal your soul.
My faith in humanity was restored through “Parenthood.”
I hope it might restore yours, as well.