The IDS Opinion section has said much about this contested IUSA election but has touched little on the core of the contesting party, Unify for IUSA. We want to set the record straight. Created to revitalize IUSA by building upon the passion of students who have decades of experience in making a difference and not just sitting in office, Unify is a voice of ?progress and reform.
During the past several months, Unify has been molded by hundreds of students who know IUSA can and should deliver on its promises, who believe it must be transparent and accountable and who demand it engage and represent the entire IU community.
At the end of the day we want every student to make an informed decision beyond the normal rhetoric, jargon and politics as usual, and there are a few facts that we would like every student to consider:
Unify for IUSA is the most representative party in the election ... by a lot. With 44 congressional backers, INtouch (30) and Amplify (18) pale in comparison. Every party is running on increased representation, but who is really committed to it?
Unify for IUSA undoubtedly has the most comprehensive and actionable policy platform in this election or any other election in the history of IUSA. We are committed to more than just bullet points and fancy names. Every party is running on better and more comprehensive polices, but who is really committed to it?
Unify for IUSA has a diverse and broad leadership group led by students of all ?backgrounds and perspectives.
The only view that we have all in common is a shared vision for unifying IU and empowering every single voice on this campus. More than any other party, we have been transparent with our motives and plans for the future.
Again, every ticket is running on transparency and student empowerment, but who is really committed to it?
Ultimately, we encourage you to vote for real representation, real action and real results. We leave it up to you to decide who best fits ?that bill.
Jack Charles Langston