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Friday, March 28
The Indiana Daily Student

Meet the 2015 Homecoming Court Nominees

Indiana Daily Student spoke with this year’s nominees for 2015 Homecoming King and Queen Court.   

Homecoming Court King nominees 

Andrew Braden , Elkhart, IN, senior, policy analysis major with theater political science and economics minors  

IDS: Why did you apply to be on Homecoming Court?  

Braden: I applied to be on Homecoming Court because I have had several friends go through the process and it seemed like a new and exciting experience for my last year of undergrad at IU. Plus, the glory will last forever.  

IDS: What is, or will be, your favorite Homecoming activity? 

Braden: My favorite Homecoming activity will be the Nearly Naked Mile. I did it my freshman year and was separated from my friends, running a disappointing, sad mile in solitude. If I run this year, my goal is to not be abandoned by my "friends" and to make some memories!  

IDS: What has been your favorite IU memory?  

Braden: My favorite IU memory was performing in my first improv comedy show. The support and love all of my friends provided was unforgettable.  

IDS: What has been your most rewarding moment while at IU?  

Braden: My most rewarding moments at IU have been my experiences in student government and working with Culture of Care, anytime I feel like I am working to make the campus a better place.   

Sahand Emamian , Fort Wayne, IN, senior, physics major with minors in linguistics, mathematics and chemistry  

IDS: Why did you apply to be on Homecoming Court?  

Emamian: I applied to the court to continue representing Indiana University positively, now more to alumni than to incoming students, and to help fund about 2% of a semester of med school.  

IDS: What is, or will be, your favorite Homecoming activity? 

Emamian: The parade! Seeing student groups show their pride is what I love about IU.  

IDS: What has been your favorite IU memory?  

Emamian: Although it's hard to choose, it would probably be my trip to China and Korea with IU2U. Seeing the world and helping out students-- two of my favorite things! 

IDS: What has been your most rewarding moment while at IU?  

Emamian: The most rewarding thing has been seeing the residents I helped as an RA and the Orientation Leaders I have trained as a Student Coordinator become leaders in their own right.   

Andrew Guenther , Valparaiso, IN, junior, law & public policy major with a certificate in political & civic engagement and a minor in political science  

IDS: Why did you apply to be on Homecoming Court?  

Guenther: I served on Homecoming Court last year and had an amazing experience! As the only student on the Court who was not a senior, it was amazing to celebrate how much I love IU with thousands of students, parents, alumni, faculty, and staff. Homecoming at the University is a truly unique experience and I wanted to serve on the Court again to be as involved as I possibly can be!  

IDS: What is, or will be, your favorite Homecoming activity? 

Guenther: My favorite activities last year were the Homecoming Parade and, of course, the game itself! The Parade brings together the Bloomington community and students to get everyone excited and pumped for the upcoming game. I look forward to interacting with the Bloomington community again as we prepare to beat Rutgers on Saturday!  

IDS: What has been your favorite IU memory?  

Guenther: It is incredibly difficult to narrow it down to just one memory from my time at IU, but I would say my favorite memory was probably Homecoming last year. When you're on the Court, you become so much more involved and immersed in the IU and Bloomington culture. I went to so many events, met so many wonderful people, and had such an amazing time with my fellow Hoosiers throughout the week.  

IDS: What has been your most rewarding moment while at IU?  

Guenther: By far the most rewarding moments I have experienced here at IU have been the ones where I know I have made a change to better this institution. Primarily, I would point towards the passage and implementation of a "preferred name policy" that I sponsored that would allow students, staff, and faculty to use their preferred name on their student ID. This way, international and transgender students can use the name that they feel most comfortable with, resulting in a safer, less stressful atmosphere. I have had students hug and thank me for my work on that issue and that was rewarding in itself.   

Owen Hoepfner , Mount Prospect, IL, senior, economic consulting and public policy analysis major and geography minor  

IDS: Why did you apply to be on Homecoming Court?  

Hoepfner: I applied to be on the Homecoming Court because it seemed like the most quintessential senior thing to do. Most of my college experiences have occurred within smaller communities, whether it be in Kelley or in one of my organizations, but being on the Court encompasses all the best that IU has to offer – amazing school spirit, an involved alumni network, our unique Bloomington community, and philanthropy. 

IDS: What is, or will be, your favorite Homecoming activity? 

Hoepfner: I have planned on running the Nearly Naked Mile multiple times but have bailed at the last second due to poor weather or other obligations. This year I hope to run in it and enjoy myself. I have not figured out what I am going to wear yet, though.  

IDS: What has been your favorite IU memory?  

Hoepfner: Within a 12-hour time frame my junior year, I performed in my first improv show with Awkward Silence Comedy, celebrated with friends, got a little sleep and then gave a final presentation for a brutal 8-week course. I have had other amazing experiences, but I think this one was pretty symbolic of most of my time at IU – lots of work, lots of fun, and no sleep.  

IDS: What has been your most rewarding moment while at IU?  

Hoepfner: I got a 45% on a Managerial Economics exam, still beating the curve, but didn’t freak out because I was genuinely enjoying what I was learning. It felt okay to fail because the learning process of that course wanted people to struggle to reach breakthroughs. It is a very reassuring feeling to fail at something and still have fun while doing it.   

Patrick Holbrook , Bloomington, IN, senior, economic consulting and public policy analysis major  

IDS: Why did you apply to be on Homecoming Court? 

Holbrook: I was involved with planning Homecoming my sophomore year and it was one of the most rewarding experiences of my college career. It's amazing to see students and alumni come together underneath a passion for IU, and I wanted to be a more direct part of that my senior year.  

IDS: What is, or will be, your favorite Homecoming activity? 

Holbrook: I have always loved the Homecoming Parade. It's so cool to see the different student and community organizations come together, and being a lifetime fan of IU athletics, I love that it culminates in a pep rally for the football team.  

IDS: What has been your favorite IU memory?  

Holbrook: Standing in line for General Admission seating to watch the IU basketball team beat #1 ranked Michigan my freshman year.  

IDS: What has been your most rewarding moment while at IU?  

Holbrook: Facilitating my first Step UP IU bystander intervention training and having the opportunity to work with students and educate them on the specific ways they can prevent their peers from falling into dangerous situations.  

Mohammad Issa , Carmel, IN, senior, chemistry major and biology and Spanish minors with a certificate in the Liberal Arts and Management Program  

IDS: Why did you apply to be on Homecoming Court?  

Issa: It’s senior year. I figured I should do it big, nothing bigger than Homecoming Court at Indiana University. Plus, I wanted to prove the doubters, mainly Andy Braden, Sahand Emamian and my parents, wrong.  

IDS: What is, or will be, your favorite Homecoming activity? 

Issa: Definitely the Nearly Naked Mile, I love showing off what I got...on the race course that is. I am currently training for a marathon so the Run Club better be watching out for me. We may have the first ever double of Homecoming King and Nearly Naked Mile winner.  

IDS: What has been your favorite IU memory?  

Issa: Obviously when we beat #1 Kentucky and stormed the court! Just kidding, I was still in high school. I would say my last day of the summer program as an Orientation Leader was my favorite memory. It was an amazing summer working with some of the best people I have ever met, and it was capped off with a small, but awesome group of incoming freshman who I hope have enjoyed their IU experience as much as I enjoyed that day.  

IDS: What has been your most rewarding moment while at IU?  

Issa: It was more like a few months of work, but it culminated in a very rewarding moment. Last spring, our executive board for Youth Advocating Leadership and Learning, or Y'ALL received the Dean McKaig Legacy Award by the Student Life and Learning Office which is the most prestigious award they give to student organizations. Y’ALL is a service organization that makes two trips to New Orleans every year to assist with disaster relief, and we had to cancel our 2014 Spring Break Trip because of a lack of interest. So, to go from canceling a trip to two very successful trips and the McKaig Legacy Award just one year later was very special. 

Homecoming Court Queen nominees

Emily Darnell , Greenfield, IN, senior, outdoor recreation, parks and human ecology and tourism, hospitality and event management majors 

IDS: Why did you apply to be on Homecoming Court? 

Darnell: When the application announcement was made, I was curious about what the qualifications entailed. Once I realized how much of an emphasis it had on leadership and loyalty to IU, I knew I couldn't miss out on the opportunity.  

IDS: What is, or will be, your favorite Homecoming activity?

Darnell: The Homecoming Parade. It is always exciting to see the eclectic group of students, clubs and organizations come together and support our school so passionately. 

IDS: What has been your favorite IU memory? 

Darnell: As a Trip Leader at IU Outdoor Adventures, I am fortunate enough to lead fellow students in to the backcountry through adventure trips and courses for credit. From canoeing on the Rio Grande River, to skiing in Michigan, to paddling in Everglades National Park, these experiences were all with students and would not have been possible without IU.   

IDS: What has been your most rewarding moment while at IU? 

Darnell: It is difficult to pick one moment because facilitating experiences and my sharing my passion for the outdoors is always rewarding. Every single trip that I have lead has brought new challenges and continues to increase my passion for this field. Sharing those experiences with others and watching them step out of their comfort zone and learn is incredibly fulfilling.  

Makayla Jordan, Indianapolis, IN, senior, neuroscience major with biology and French minors  

IDS: Why did you apply to be on Homecoming Court? 

Jordan: I applied to Homecoming Court for multiple reasons. First, this was something new that I have never done before. I just thought it was definitely worth a shot, especially considering I won’t have another chance to do this. Secondly, I truly love IU. I have had such a great and robust experience here. I feel like being Homecoming Queen is just a great way to truly sum up my time here and all of the things I have been involved in. 

IDS: What is, or will be, your favorite Homecoming activity? 

Jordan: Thus far, my favorite Homecoming activity has been the parade. It’s just a really fun time and it’s amazing to see the whole town become involved. Plus, who doesn’t love a good parade? Besides, the Marching 100 makes it even better. They make me reminisce on my days of marching band in high school! However, I’ve yet to do the Nearly Naked Mile and am really hoping to cross that one off my list. Who knows, maybe you’ll see me out there!  

IDS: What has been your favorite IU memory?  

Jordan: I have so many great many from my time here at IU. I do have one that is kind of silly, actually. My boyfriend and I began dating our freshman year of college. It quickly became my goal to be on the Kiss Cam. One day at Assembly Hall, my boyfriend and I were eagerly standing in the student section hoping that the Kiss Cam would land on us. Somehow, in my oblivious nature, I stopped paying attention to the screen. Next thing I knew, my boyfriend kissed me, I was thoroughly confused, and I realized that I had completely missed even seeing myself on the big screen! Oh well. I still count it!  

IDS: What has been your most rewarding moment while at IU? 

Jordan: Again, it is hard to pick a single rewarding moment. However, I think I will go something more recent. This summer, I decided to begin pursuing my undergraduate honors thesis. As a result, I spent much of my summer in Bloomington starting my research project so that I wouldn’t be behind once school started up again. While I accomplished a lot over the summer, I know that I still have a long ways to go. However, I am truly excited to see where this is going to go! My work has a lot of implications for how stress affects the brain, particularly in cases of Depression and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.  

Amy Krach, Fort Wayne, IN, senior, biology major with a certificate in nonprofit management and a minor in Spanish

IDS: Why did you apply to be on Homecoming Court? 

Krach: I have always tried to take full advantage of the countless opportunities to get involved and the many unique experiences IU has to offer, and I figured this would be an especially awesome addition to my IU experience during my final year here. I also felt it would be great honor to represent this school that has enabled me to grow so much.  

IDS: What is, or will be, your favorite Homecoming activity? 

Krach: I’m excited for the Nearly Naked Mile!  

IDS: What has been your favorite IU memory?  

Krach: Oh man, I have too many enjoyable memories to pick a favorite! But I will say that my friends and I used to convince everyone on our dorm floor to do crazy and maybe a little strange things such as hiking down the Jordan river during a rainstorm or playing "tackle tag," a game better demonstrated than explained, in the snow, and those experiences were always quite memorable.  

IDS: What has been your most rewarding moment while at IU?  

Krach: Again, I am not sure I can pinpoint one memory that was the most meaningful. However, I am sure that the most rewarding moments have been those that I felt I was more than just a student, and that I was truly contributing to the good of the world in some small way. Many of these experiences have been through the Best Buddies program. Sandy, my buddy for all four years and IU basketball's number one fan, has been one of the truest friends I have made during college and the time spent with her always reminds me of what's most important: bringing joy to others.  

Stephanie Martinelli , Hinsdale, IL, senior, elementary education major with a reading license addition  

IDS: Why did you apply to be on Homecoming Court? 

Martinelli: I decided to apply to be on the Homecoming Court because I wanted a fun way to commemorate my four years at Indiana University. I believe that homecoming is such a wonderful way to recognize both the students who attend the university as well as our amazing alumni.   

IDS: What is, or will be, your favorite Homecoming activity? 

Martinelli: I believe that my favorite Homecoming activity will be going to the football game and cheering on the Hoosiers! I love the environment of game day and being surrounded by so many people that have the same pride and spirit for IU that I do.  

IDS: What has been your favorite IU memory?  

Martinelli: I have had so many incredibly memories from my time at Indiana University, however, my favorite memory is likely when my intramural basketball team had the opportunity to play in Assembly Hall! For me, this was a big deal since I got to play on the same court where so many phenomenal basketball players in Indiana University’s history have played!    

IDS: What has been your most rewarding moment while at IU?  

Martinelli: My most rewarding moment that I have had at Indiana University occurred this summer when I was working as an Orientation Leader. There were multiple occurrences throughout the summer when I had students approach me and tell me that I was their tour guide for their Admissions tour and I was a huge reason for why they wanted to come to Indiana University.  It is so rewarding to know that I had a positive impact on a student’s decision to attend the University.  

Ashley Martinez , Henderson, NV, senior, entrepreneurship and corporate innovation, international business and marketing major  

IDS: Why did you apply to be on Homecoming Court?  

Martinez: My roommate and best friend, Jessica Grimes, encouraged me to apply. After I read the description, I knew I wanted to do it! A fellow Scholarship Advisory Committee member, Amyra Asamoah, had been on Homecoming Court last year and raved about the experience. For me, it's an opportunity to give back to IU as a whole and thank the university for making me feel welcomed, respected, and appreciated for who I am. That's what I want to do before graduating. I found myself at IU and I hope others will, too.  

IDS: What is, or will be, your favorite Homecoming activity? 

Martinez: Paint the Town Crimson. I've always wanted to paint the windows of store fronts!  

IDS: What has been your favorite IU memory?  

Martinez: Singing the Alma Mater at the Kelley Senior Commencement Ceremony my sophomore year. It was a thrilling experience to solo in the IU Auditorium and an incredible feeling to honor recent graduates.  

IDS: What has been your most rewarding moment while at IU?  

Martinez: My sophomore year I had the privilege of being the keynote speaker at an incoming scholars luncheon. A majority of students I spoke to decided to accept their invitation to attend IU. Many are now my mentees and have gone on to win two National Diversity Case Competitions! Watching these students develop over time and knowing I was able to inspire them is by far my most rewarding moment at IU.  

Natalie Spaargaren , Granger, IN, senior, finance and international business major and French minor  

IDS: Why did you apply to be on Homecoming Court?  

Spaargaren: As an underclassmen, I saw some of my mentors become a part of the Homecoming Court. I thought they embodied the spirit of a leader at IU through their passions for giving back and mentoring others. I am humbled to be a part of the Homecoming Court, and give a small part back to the school I love, by serving as a mentor and role model to others.

IDS: What is, or will be, your favorite Homecoming activity? 

Spaargaren: Definitely the Nearly Naked Mile! It’s a fun event full of energy. 

IDS: What has been your favorite IU memory?  

Spaargaren: There are too many, but one of my favorite IU memories was spending a semester abroad in Rouen, France. I had the opportunity to travel around Europe and improve my French language skills. It was an unforgettable experience, but I’m happy to be back in Bloomington for my final year!  

IDS: What has been your most rewarding moment while at IU?  

Spaargaren: Meeting many of my best friends and roommates on my freshman year floor. I’m lucky to live with ten of them this year!  

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