Bloomington has incredible hiking routes, some of them only a couple miles off campus. Enjoy these hikes alone or with friends before the snowy season starts.
1. Griffy Lake
The closest place to hike near campus, and my favorite! Take a stroll down the nature walk or go canoeing or kayaking on the lake. Pro tip: walk up the road from where you parked and hike a slightly rougher terrain to get to the bench. Watch the sun set (or rise, if you’re an early bird) over the beautiful Indiana fall foliage.
2. Lake Monroe
Looking for a bigger lake than Griffy? We’ve got you covered. Rent a boat to admire the lake and surrounding areas. Take a break from the lake and go hiking on one of the many paths around the lake. Tons of camp sites are also available if you want to make a weekend out of your excursion.
3. Brown County State Park
Brown County has what feels like hundreds of trails to choose from, but my favorite is Trail 8. The hike is about 3.5 miles and allows hikers to hike all types of terrain. Tired of walking? Take a quick detour to go on trail rides around the area to admire the scenery on a horse.
4. Hickory Ridge Lookout Tower
See Bloomington from a whole new perspective. Located in the Charles C. Deam Wilderness in the Hoosier National Forest, this structure was once used to protect fledgling forest from wildfire. The 123-step journey up the 110-foot tower is strenuous, but certainly worth it. Don’t forget your camera at the bottom.
5. McCormick's Creek State Park
Get lost in Indiana’s first state park. Ten trails totaling to more than 10 miles are listed, ranging from easier hikes to more rugged trails. Known for its Creek Falls, a small waterfall located in the middle of the park, the site also has plenty of space for camping, fishing and other recreational activities.