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Tuesday, Jan. 7
The Indiana Daily Student


COLUMN: Stand up to ISIS and stop the fear mongering

Recently, our news outlets have begun to closely resemble that of Gotham City’s. Threats are suddenly popping up in our backyards, and there’s no one there to save the day.

For the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, proximity doesn’t matter. Ever since the Charlie Hebdo attack, we’ve seen violent episodes in France, Libya, Tunisia, Yemen, Turkey, Egypt, Lebanon, Kuwait, Bangladesh and Iraq, according to the New York Times. Most of the non-western attacks required little technical assault. But after Paris, ISIS is posing a threat to the entire world.

It has proved there is a hole in the security system. The EU is a playground with little supervision. People can hop from plane to plane without a care in the world, as long as they can pass through a metal detector.

I’ve been in Europe since August and have only gotten my passport stamped once when I went to Russia.

Yes, it is a flawed system. But I think it’s key to realize people who wish to cause harm will always find a way to do so, no matter the 
security issues.

So what has ISIS proved? That it’s made of cowards who are basking in abysmal media coverage from the bloodbath they’ve created? That they can laugh at the refugee crisis that is slowly spiraling out of control, because of the fear they crafted through a terrorist attack?

They’ve proven a lot of things about themselves, but even more about the world in which we live in. Bigoted politicians can blame refugees for their problems, sure. But people need to realize that we are all humans.

In another life, in a different world, I could be a refugee, running from the same people we’re chastising today. Would I want to die at the hands of self-interested Americans who don’t have an adequate vetting system?

I know I’m asking a lot of questions. Honestly, it’s because I don’t have any answers. The biggest thing ISIS has proven is that the world remains resilient. ISIS isn’t swimming in a river of our tears. It’s drowning in the wake of relentless global support for those lives that were violently lost.

I am not afraid and neither should you be. The propaganda videos that surface on the Internet only fuel my fire for justice to be served to these wicked villains.

We can’t wait for something to happen. Terrible things are going to happen in our future, that’s inevitable. It’s how we go about living our lives in the meantime that will make a difference.

It’s time to stop being sad and afraid. And more importantly, it’s time to end all the fear mongering by educating ourselves on what we share on the Internet.

In the wake of atrocity, let us remind ourselves that there are innocents who have no choice in this situation. Let’s give them a choice by opening our hearts and minds.

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