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Thursday, Dec. 19
The Indiana Daily Student


COLUMN: New campaign urges women to dump Trump voters

#VoteTrumpGetDumped — now there’s a social media campaign I can support.

#VoteTrumpGetDumped is a campaign that has gone viral for the past couple weeks. The campaign was started by Ohio couple Chandler and Blake Smith, according to the National Review.

Chandler specifically came up with the idea because she strongly disagrees with Trump, saying “If Donald objectifies women, he’s objectifying 50.8 percent of America, and that’s not cool.”

Basically, the Vote Trump, Get Dumped Campaign is asking for anyone and everyone to vow not to date or have any sexual relations with anyone who is a supporter of Donald Trump.

The founders rally behind this campaign with confidence in the execution of complete abstinence as it has proven to be effective in past. Chandler cites the examples of the Greeks and women of the Temperance movement of the 19th and 20th century.

Cleverly, they make a call for people to “Make America date again” with this movement.

To spread the word you’re turning sex down with Trump supporters, they provide instruction to post the sexist quotes Trump has said over the years along with a picture of yourself with crossed fingers or legs to represent your abstinence towards Trump supporters. These are then displayed on the website.

If you’ve somehow managed to not hear any of Trump’s sexist discourse, here’s a few examples cited on “If Hilary Clinton can’t satisfy her husband what makes her think she can satisfy America,” “Like you wouldn’t have a job if you weren’t beautiful,” and my personal favorite, “Women: You have to treat ‘em like shit.”

We can’t expect to progress toward gender equality with someone like that running our country.

This man would be the leader of the free world. He would have and already does have an immense influence on our country, and it would only be worse if he was elected as 

As hard as it already is for women to fight for and receive equal pay and equal rights, a Trump presidency would take American women back so much farther.

I stand behind this campaign as I stand behind my choice in not voting for any of the Republican candidates with their open disdain toward Planned Parenthood and women’s reproductive rights.

As a vote for them would be a vote against my health and reproductive rights, a vote for Donald Trump would be a vote against myself and all women.

A vote for Trump is a vote for allowing disgusting misogynistic behaviors and attitudes toward all women, and I won’t stand for that.

Vote Trump, get dumped.

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