Artist Illma Gore painted an infamous nude portrait of Donald Trump, the controversial Republican candidate a good majority of Americans love to hate.
The painting is entitled “Make America Great Again” and became a viral success in February of this year after Gore published a photo of the painting on her Facebook page.
“Make America Great Again” features a completely nude Trump in a stance that reveals less than impressive genitalia.
The problem? After publishing the painting online, the LA based artist has had to flee the United States due to death threats and threats of violence from Trump supporters as well as being anonymously threatened with legal action if the painting is sold.
While it’s not surprising Gore is being threatened with legal action over the similarity in likeness of Trump and the figure in her painting, Gore should not have to flee the U.S. in order to get away from over zealous Trump supporters.
After all the terrible statements Trump has made about all groups of people except white men and all the insults thrown at Trump, it’s beyond ridiculous the insult Trump supporters take to heart is the insult to Trump’s manhood.
Luckily, Gore has found refuge in the UK, where the London Maddox Gallery has agreed to show the painting. Galleries in the U.S. refused to show the painting due to threats of violence from Trump supporters.
When asked about the response to “Make America Great Again,” Gore told The Guardian, “Who knew it would be such a big deal? I think an artist’s job is to take the times we’re living in and then set the scene. It’s a representation of where we are.”
If the conversation about Donald Trump concerns the size of penis rather than the feasibility and morality of his policies, then yes, I would have to sadly agree that “Make America Great Again” is a representation of where we are.
Gore feels as though “Make America Great Again” prompted Republican candidate Marco Rubio’s comments about Trump’s small hands at a Virginia rally in February.
Rubio is quoted in the Guardian as saying, “And you know what they say about men with small hands? You can’t trust them.”
On March 3, Trump replied with the statement, saying Rubio “referred to my hands, if they are small, something else must be small. I guarantee you there is no problem. I guarantee.”
Although the controversy surrounding the painting has caused Gore so much trepidation, the painting is valued at one million pounds.
Overall, the controversy surrounding the artwork is nothing but absurd. Gore is an artist and is free to express herself through a representation of the current political climate in the U.S.
While the legal threats about sale of the painting are anonymous, I’m sure there is little doubt as to who or what is behind this legal threat.
As for the Trump supporters, they are so violent that they forced a woman out of her home and into another country because she was afraid for her life.
Trump and his supporters may think the accusation of having a small penis is the worst thing that can be said about Trump, but it’s pretty clear that the worst aspect of Trump’s person is displayed through the actions of his violently loyal supporters.