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Friday, Jan. 10
The Indiana Daily Student

opinion oped editorial

EDITORIAL: Clinton cleared of charges by FBI

As Bernie Sanders aptly said during a democratic debate, we are tired of hearing about Hillary Clinton’s damn emails.

Yet, the State Department is re-opening another investigation into her use of classified information through email.

The Editorial Board is both exhausted and confused by the barrage of investigations that seem to render no charges against Clinton.

In fact, the majority of the Editorial Board is past the point of caring about whether or not Clinton mishandled classified information in her emails.

In our view, she has been tried and not indicted, so the point seems moot.

The most confusing part of this new investigation is the Department of Justice is no longer pursuing criminal charges against Clinton, according to FBI Spokesman John Kirby.

That begs the question of what exactly the Department of Justice intends to find in this new non-criminal investigation.

During the last investigation into Clinton’s emails, FBI Director James B. Comey said the investigators found no “clear evidence that Secretary Clinton or her colleagues intended to violate laws governing the handling of classified 

However, Comey also claimed Clinton and the others receiving her messages, “were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information,” as reported by the Washington Post.

As a result, Comey found no circumstances that necessitated criminal charges. All Comey did was criticize Clinton and claim any reasonable person “should have known that an unclassified system was no place for that conversation,” as reported by the 
Washington Post.

Considering the FBI found no reason to prosecute Clinton, a new investigation into the matter is just like throwing taxpayer money into the air.

If all the FBI can do is publicly condemn Clinton’s handling of classified information, then another non-criminal investigation is going to render another pointless result.

The FBI and Clinton adversaries are hungry to prove, while Clinton was in foreign territory, her emails containing classified information were hacked by enemies of the United States.

Despite the FBI being unable to prove whether or not the information was hacked, the possibility of hacking is apparently still threatening enough.

Out of the 30,000 emails Clinton provided for the investigation, only 110 contained classified, secret or top secret information. Two-thousand emails were retroactively considered classified, meaning they were not classified when they were sent.

The Editorial Board realizes important information regarding national security was put through a server that was not U.S. government approved but as the FBI found, there is no evidence that any of the information was hacked.

If there was no foul play found in the first investigation, there is an even smaller chance that criminal actions will be found during a second investigation.

The most severe consequence of a new investigation will be removing security clearance of several of Clinton’s top aides, making it hard for her to choose her cabinet.

It’s clear that mistakes were made, but if nothing is going to continue to come from it, it’s time to let it go.

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